Monday 17 November 2008

39 weeks 2 days - midwife app today, lots of braxton hicks

Nothing yet! Well, not nothing. I had a whole load of braxton hicks earlier this morning but that's all. Got my 39 week midwife appointment this afternoon. It only seems like a couple of days since I last saw her. It was last Wednesday so 5 days ago. Robert's still moving around in there okay. I am wondering if he's actually a quiet baby - I've read people saying how their full term babies squirm and kick and punch around in there like good-uns, yet Robert doesn't do much of that at all, just the odd foot poking around, arms waving occasionally.

Anyway I know this is short and sweet but I'm quite tired and think I might take a nap before I have to go down to the surgery this afternoon. Will update soon! x

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