Tuesday 2 February 2010

Uh oh...

I think I'm going to get bad morning sickness this time round - been feeling iffy on and off for a few days, but today I keep getting queasy feelings and have wretched a bit. I hope it's not too bad, I don't really want to be spending the next 2 months or longer in the toilet, struggling to make Robert's food etc.

Time will tell I guess....


  1. Uh ohhh! Morning sickness is NO fun even mildly, but it is proven to be a good sign as far as the baby goes! Yay! Also maybe it's a girl?!?! :) Hope it doesn't get too awful for you! Thanks for another happy comment at my pregnancy blog! :) I think you have the official title of "The Commenter", haha! ;)

  2. Fingers crossed it's just a little bit of a virus or nerves or something and not morning sickness! xoxoxo
