Friday 19 February 2010

7 weeks 2 days - counting down

4 days until my midwife appointment! This morning I felt "bleughh" again but it was more intestine-y if you know what I mean. Then we had a fun morning involving the cat's bottom, and various (ewww) deposits, one of which (double ewww!) Robert managed to step in!!! So then we spent the morning sniffing around on the floor to find said deposits, and then me holding the cat while Jonathan brandished a plastic food bag and a pair of scissors while I lifted her tail... Bleughhhhh! (she's a long haired cat so anything that gets stuck in her fur near her bottom needs to be cut out really, rather than trying to remove it another way)

There is a lot of snow this morning, over an inch, although most of it fell in the few hours leading up to sunset last night. After what had been a stressful afternoon it was actually quite relaxing watching the snow come down and settling on the floor and the table outside. I'll be going to see Sarah again in a few minutes.

Tomorrow Jonathan is taking Robert to the Surestart Centre for a couple of hours, it's a dad and baby session, so that'll be good, 2 hours to myself! Woohooo! Then on Sunday it's Robert's Aunty Naomi's birthday so we'll be seeing her. Then I will only have to get through Monday and Tuesday morning, then Tuesday afternoon it's the appointment! I shall have to try to not look too excited as the in-laws are coming over and I don't want them wondering why I am excited about a routine doctor's appointment (or if they ask, a smear test!!) lol!

Right, well I'd best be off. Can't believe I'm almost 7 and a half weeks! It's been over 3 weeks since I found out I was pregnant!! These last 3 weeks have gone so quick! And yet counting up it's going slowly, if you know what I mean? lol! Right, see you later!

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