Monday 1 February 2010

4 + 5 - weight control and other things

Hmm well I think this is the start of me coming back regularly! I have new things on my mind each day, and each day I wonder how similar/different it was to when I was pregnant with Robert. At this stage in my pregnancy I didn't actually write how many weeks I was, which is a shame but I think it was only about now that I realised I was actually pregnant, whereas I've already known for a few days this time around!

Each night since I have found out I am pregnant I have laid in bed before going to sleep, and a whole mass of STUFF has been swirling around in my head, making it impossible for me to sleep! The main thing has been Robert's birth. I think in the months to come I will be facing up to it again, and making some hard decisions about this little one's birth.

I am eager to face each new development stage with my little one as a second-time mum-to-be, and see how much I remember, or how different each bit seems! And see if maybe I can tell even before he/she is born how different they will be to their big brother!

I still cannot fathom that my little Robert is going to be a big brother. He is such an independant happy little boy! Maybe it is just that I can't imagine him being my BIGGEST baby! Trying to work out how my heart will expand to encompass another young soul when it already feels so big and full of love for the one little soul already there!

I'm so excited to be at the beginning of another journey of pregnancy, and already dreaming ahead to the kicks, big belly, and newborn!

I am thinking though that one thing I need to do this time around, is make sure I don't gain as much weight as before. I think I was around 14 and a quarter ish stone last time I got pregnant, by 8 weeks I was BMI 31. By the time I had given birth I was BMI 33.

I am around BMI 30. I haven't done a great job of losing weight thus far. I would ideally like to be lighter after giving birth than I am now. And then, hopefully with breastfeeding LO and Robert (maybe!!) combined with SENSIBLE eating, unlike after Robert was born, the weight will hopefully drop off me, and I'll be near the healthy weight range by this time next year. I am planning on talking to my midwife when I see her about losing weight (well, gaining weight veeeeery slowly) during pregnancy, and exercise. I have a wii fit, which has a variety of exercises, so I shall ask her what sort of exercises I can do during pregnancy. I would ideally like to gain no more than 1 stone by October. Which, if this baby is anything like Robert, most of that will be baby weight, and the rest should be water/placenta weight, and possibly not a lot else, if any, is extra weight I have myself gained.

I shall have to hope that my pregnancy is a healthy, non eventful one, so I can stick as best I can to a healthy eating and exercise schedule!


  1. Hmmm, I would say eat as healthily (yet normally, lol!) as you can, and exercise well, and once you've done those things, DON'T stress too much about the number on the scales! Because genetics has a big part to play in how much weight is gained during pregnancy. I know of lots of pregnant women who have let it allllll go and eaten everything under the sun (every day, haha!) during one pregnancy, gained a ton, and then decided to be very careful with their weight gain for another couple of pregnancies, and gained pretty much the same, give or take a few lbs. The difference was that they ended up really stressed and downcast about their weight gain as they were battling it and feeling like failures instead of enjoying their pregnancies. If you're doing all you should be (the healthy eating and exercise) and gaining anyway, try to just let it be and enjoy the pregnancy anyway without stressing too much about how much you've gained. It'll mean work to take it off again afterwards, but you can do it! You're doing so well already!

    I'm definitely going to try to eat better and exercise next pregnancy, because I don't fully lose what I gained (a lot, lol!) between each pregnancy so I'm gradually climbing and climbing.

    Still so excited for you!!!! And soooo glad your friend's baby has a lil heartbeat! Sounds like a subchorionic haematoma (bleeding at the site of the placenta) which is actually not uncommon. I hope it will calm down and be okay for her. I have had three of those and they are very scary!

  2. Well I had the opposite to what Alice said.... Both pregnancies I just ate whatever I wanted; with one I gained 3 stone, the other just a stone! I don't know if it was because one was a girl and one a boy?

    I'd agree with her though to just eat healthily and keep up with excercise. Bizarrely I've heard quite good things from friends who are overweight about weight watchers in pregnancy. One freind was obese before her first pregnancy but now after her third is into the healthy weight bracket. She said they're good at helping you figure out what and how much to eat to ensure that you don't gain too much weight but that baby still gets everything it needs.... Including supplies for breastfeeding after the birth!

  3. Reading this just makes me so jealous. Knowing Alfie and Robert are
    similar ages it's going to be strange reading that you're going through the exciting pregnancy bit and I would love to be going through that with you again! I am SO happy for you :0) xXx
