Monday 11 May 2009

A close mum!

Ah the start of a brand new week!

Yesterday, Robert was a little so-and-so, which made me very very glad that Jonathan was around, and also he kept waking every 1-2 hours since we put him to bed around 6pm til when he got up at 8am this morning. Argh! It was definitely one of those days that make you think that maybe your kid will be an only child after all! But then you get a day that followed with one like today, where you think ahh yes, definitely 2-3 more! ;)

It was a LOVELY day. No real big temper tantrums that couldn't be consoled. (The odd sleepy-grump though) I texted the mum who lives 3 doors down, invited her and her two year old little boy over. She and I have so much in common! She is so lovely. She is 26 (I am 26 in July), she wants to lose weight, so do I. She had PND and scarily a lot of the symptoms and problems I had! She's just so friendly and lovely, and YAY a nice mum, so close! We went for a walk with our little'uns in their buggies down into town, and had a good long natter on the way. (btw, Robert's been in his buggy like a big boy for a few times now! He looks so teeny and cute in there! But what is good is that if he starts to get tired, we can fully recline it so he's sleeping flat on his back) She's invited us over to her house on Wednesday morning, it's lovely. :) I'm so excited about this new friendship. And so pleased that I'm not finding it too hard to make new friends! My Mum will be thrilled ;) (she was so worried about me being a recluse)

Anyway, dinner is cooking (a lovely pasta with sausages, bacon, mushrooms, onion and pepper in tomato sauce). Hopefully there'll be enough left over to freeze and let Robert try another day.

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