Tuesday 10 April 2012


Ok, well I spotted all day yesterday too. It didn't pick up to anything heavier. And still getting the *slightest* brown tinge when I wipe. Spotting for a whole 48 hours before trailing off is SO unusual for me. I am practically certain I am pregnant, (so if it turns out I am not, I will be crushed) I am just waiting for a BFP. I know this isn't the best mindset to be in and setting myself up potentially for a lot of disappointment!

I bet a lot of you knew I wouldn't be able to wait til Wednesday anyway before testing and you were right. I tested this morning, and the line I see is so faint it's probably a BFN. It takes a lot of squinting and holding it up to the light to see anything at all so it's probably just a shadow. There's no way a camera would pick up the line!!

I've had even a few thoughts about the baby, if indeed there is one in there. The baby has always been male, the few times the thought of a girl has popped into my head I've just been "yeah right!" I don't see myself as having a girl. I don't think I will ever have a girl. But I'd like one! Anyway, still on the waiting game.

Edited to add, at 9.31am, that I've been back to look at the test, which is now completely dry, and I swear I do actually see a faint line. But still fainter than faint and not really definite at all. I keep going back and thinking I can't see it since the first time, but then at an angle it definitely looks like it's there. Arghhh the suspense!! Should I still test tomorrow or should I wait til Thursday??!! Got one strip test and a CBD left.

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