Monday 8 March 2010

9 weeks 5 days - told Jonathan's parents

Well, we decided to tell Jonathan's parents this weekend rather than next weekend, so we could give them a bit more notice for babysitting. I guess I'm not too brilliant at keeping the secret as I thought... MIL opened the card and said "Oh!" in a knowing way, and passed it to FIL who repeated her "Oh!" and then they proceeded to tell me they suspected due to my tiredness, suspicious doctor's appointment, smell aversions and my sickness on Tuesday (which I think must have actually been a bug as that's all it amounted to, plus I had the runs in the morning along with feeling sick). Doh! But they were very pleased, and like the midwife, the first question MIL asked was whether I was going to have another home birth! I really don't know just yet.

They're going to do their best to sort out something for Robert on that Thursday, he might have to be minded by someone else for an hour or so. But it's very exciting, only 10 days to go until my scan!

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going so far. The first trimester is the worst in many ways because you just don't know what's going on, or if all will be ok, and for that reason it can drag, but with Robert around, it's whizzing past, it really is! I am almost 10 weeks pregnant - a quarter of the way through my pregnancy! It feels like only a week ago I got my BFP. And I guess telling the in-laws this weekend just gone sort of makes it feel like it's the beginning again, we told them last time when I was only about 5 weeks gone, but I'm now almost 10 weeks. I can't wait for my scan! Unfortunately Sarah didn't get very good scan pictures, but I'm hoping that I will get good ones like I did with Robert, so I can nub spot! I couldn't even see a nub on Sarah's it was so blurry! :( But more than that I of course hope that baby is growing well, and is healthy and happy. My worst fear would be seeing a fetus that is only 7 or 8 weeks, because I know my baby should be 11 weeks by my scan. What's worse than a miscarriage is a missed miscarriage, where you're led to believe all is ok only to find out your baby has died, then having to have the baby removed... :( It's so so worrying, all I can do is have faith so I hate this part! And then of course it's 4-5 weeks before I get my next midwife appointment and hear the heartbeat! From 16 weeks it's ok as you hear the heartbeat, and by 15 weeks I was feeling movements. Roll on the next 6-7 weeks!


  1. Hey hunny, don't worry about worrying about miscarriage, we all think it even if we don't say it...and can't your midwife listen out for a heartbeat? I heard Alfies for the first time at 10 weeks? I know it's not routine but it definately can be done :0) might put your mind at ease!? Oh I'm so happy for you :0) xx

  2. Glad telling the in laws went so well. :) Thank you for your lovely note today, it was so well put. Hoping all goes well at your u/s for you! xoxo

  3. Ahhh I hate to tell you this but 11 weeks will be too early to nub spot! :( The in-gender forum I went to before said that it's only accurate from 12 weeks at the earliest. I was really hoping to squint at your scan pic too!! ;)

    Glad it went well telling the in-laws!
