Thursday 4 March 2010

9 weeks 1 day - Routine

I really really want to get into a routine for the last few months before baby is here. (I know any routine we have will go out of the window then!!!) But I want this routine to include as little TV as possible, me spending at LEAST 2 hours playing 1-1 with Robert (I feel awful knowing that at the moment this is not happening!) where he has my full attention. I also want it to include washing up EVERY morning after breakfast, and later in the day, a load of washing or some other kind of housework. Oh, and some exercise, and in addition, a walk EVERY day outside, even if it's only for 10 minutes.

I've written up a rough plan, which I might tweak, and of course is flexible for naps etc.


- Get up, change Robert's nappy, eat breakfast.
- Wash up after breakfast.
- Put a load of washing on if needed.
- Play with Robert for 45 minutes.
- Go out for a walk.
- hang up washing.


- Get lunch ready and eat.
- Settle Robert for his nap.
- 30 minutes exercise during his nap if not tired.
- Hang washing after he wakes if no time before lunch.
- Go to sure start if possible. (If not, maybe have a walk)
- Play with Robert for 45 minutes.
- Cook dinner.

After dinner:

- Play with Robert for 30 minutes.
- Run Robert's bath.
- Start Bedtime Routine.

I really want to get started on this tomorrow, I've not quite stuck to it today although I have done some of it. Jonathan suggested I get points if I stick to it and points earn me prizes from a prize list lol! We shall see!

Anyway, another thing I've done today is that I've been designing a Cbeebies birthday card for Robert. I wanted to do one for him last year, but never got around to even thinking about it til it was too late! I know it's 8 months til his birthday but this will give me time to think about what exactly I want to do, then make it, and hopefully give me several months to spare before October, when I (as well as giving birth LOL) add a recent photo to it (and add little sibling details!) and post it off. :)

Right! Well I'm thinking of going for a walk. One other thing I wanted to say was that we have decided that we need to tell Jonathan's parents about this pregnancy earlier than we wanted to :( We have decided there's really no other way to ask them to babysit than to tell them about it beforehand, as it's on a Thursday.. Thursday is the only day that is quite tricky for them, as my MIL has Country Market that day. I'm hoping it will be ok for FIL to look after him for the majority of the time. But anyway, we're going to tell them on Mother's day (14th March), by writing in a card for MIL and signing it from Robert and Baby Bump :) Hehe! And we are then seeing my parents the weekend after, in Kent. When I will have had my scan, and can therefore frame and present as planned :)

Anyway, I've got to go! *hugs* and *kisses* to you all! (if anyone's still there!! lol)

1 comment:

  1. Great plan for the routine, it really helped us after Jovey was born. I'm sure it's what made the transition from one to two easier on me.
    That's such a lovely idea about the scan photos, you must make sure you get a photo of their faces ;-)
