Wednesday 4 November 2009

Some video clips

I'm not sure I can do the whole charting thing, it seems like a bit of a chore and although I've found a thermometer I can't remember to use it!

Today though something strange is that I have an odd ache that doesn't feel at all familiar when I walk, cough. Sort of like my uterus is too heavy for my pelvis. Goodness knows if that means anything!

Anyway onto news of my nearly-one-year old! He has managed to get a sickness bug from somewhere... and I think I know where..... sigh. He's got an awful cold, and he's been sick twice with it as well.

Anyway I can't remember if I've told you that's he's learnt to clap, but he has and here's a little video clip...

One video that always makes me laugh is this one. He's blowing raspberries on my mum's arm then pulling away to grin at her.

Oh, another bit of news - I have given my baby boy his THIRD haircut this weekend just gone. I do wish I'd caved in and given him his first sooner than I did though!


  1. That video of him blowing raspberries is HILARIOUS!! Robert is adorable!

  2. Aaaw my gosh, that video of him clapping is sooo cute! Alfie does that too, like there's not much noise but the feeling is there! And him blowing raspberries! That's so sweet...sorry I haven't commented much lately, seems like life's just flying by soooo quickly! Speak soon, lots of love!xx
