Saturday 14 November 2009

my poor baby :(

I don't know what's wrong with him... but in the last week and a half I can't remember how many times he's been sick. Last night we went out with him to a restaurant with some of Jonathan's colleagues too, anyway, he threw up not only his entire dinner, but lunch as well :( (He didn't have grapes at all during dinner)

He has a really nasty cough which he's had for just under a week now, and we're not sure if that's what's actually making him sick sometimes (the act of coughing so violently making him sick). He seems happy enough when he's not vomitting, and he doesn't feel overly hot like he has a temperature.

Today Jonathan and I are going to try and give him double the amount of mealtimes, but with half the food, to see if that helps, incase it's the amount of food he is eating in a sitting. If that doesn't work, we will try cutting down his meals altogether, and letting him breastfeed more often during the day for his nutrition.

Then see how he is next week. It's so tough seeing your babies poorly :( Especially when you're not really sure what's wrong, or even if there's anything wrong and it might be something you're doing (like feeding them too much in one go!!!)

I was quite proud of myself though, I didn't gag once as I was holding out a napkin to capture the sick in my hand, whereas the time he was sick on the bed I did nearly throw up myself as well!

Anyway.... Assuming that my cycles have instantly gone back to how they were pre-Robert, I am now overdue for my period. But it is hard to tell. I had a negative test yesterday morning, but then again I had to wait 35 days past my last period before I got a positive result and even then it was verrrrrry faint! So I might have to wait until next Friday before I get an accurate response on a test, if my period hasn't shown up in the meantime!

I'm not really sure what's going on this month. I can't feel anything either way, I don't have any feeling whether I'm pregnant or not. It's a horrid waiting game! But ah well I will just have to sit it out!!!


  1. Nikki, I have a friend who's kids throw up whenever they get to coughing. It is just the gag reflex. It also seems related to that tickle in the throat or how they get a little asthma when they get a congested chest. She has 5 kids and only 2 seem to have this issue. One uses a nebulizer when she gets to coughing (she is 4 and has had to use it since she was very little for this thing) at night sometimes or she will throw up from the coughing.

  2. Bean used to vomit when she had a violent cough, as well. I remember one time in particular when she was just over a year old that she would vomit two or three times a day for about a week until the cough finally went away. Her appetite was fine and she wasn't sick other than the cough and the vomiting. She's even done it a few times since she was two, but I think she's probably outgrown it now because it's been a year or two since last time it happened. I would just patiently re-feed her so she wasn't hungry. If Robert's cough is dry (no mucous) maybe you could give him a little cough suppressant now and then to keep the cough under control? That's what I finally learned to do with Bean and it worked well.

  3. Poor Robert! I hope he's feeling better soon. It sounds like you're doing great coping with it all! Arthur used to vomit with really rotten colds, usually RIGHT after a feed (as a baby), no coughing as such. It freaked me out because I didn't know why. It wasn't a tummy bug though, just a cold that made his tummy feel gunky and yucky (we had the colds too and they weren't tummy-ish for us). So maybe it's the gunk factor as well as the cough? I am hoping it clears up really soon along with the cold/cough symptoms. Poor little man!

    I'm eager to hear about your cycle and how it pans out! :) Don't expect your cycles to be like they were before, necessarily. From what I have read, most people's aren't, especially breastfeeding mothers. They gradually resettle to the way they used to be, but even so they are often still a little different to how they ever were before. It's frustrating wondering when you have no clue what "normal" is for your cycles any more! For me, that's why I chart obsessively around that time because it cuts out half the wondering bit with the info it shows me as my cycle goes along.

  4. Huge hugs honey... for Robert and you!
    Hope he's over the sickness soon! Jovey used to get sick when he had a cold too, but then his was also to do with his dairy intollerance so we were never too sure.

    Very excited by your cycle ;) My cycles went straight back to normal after DD but were all over the place after DS.... actually they still aren't back to "normal" after him! Let us know asap when you know either way. I have everything crossed that there is a new mini Robert (or Roberta ;)) on the way soon!
