Wednesday 18 November 2009

Am I? Aren't I? When should I find out?

I can't describe it, but with each day that passes I feel like I am pregnant. I don't want to get my hopes up, I really don't. But I just can't shake the feeling.

I got some pink when I wiped last night. But I don't feel the beginnings of a period along with it. Or at least what I can remember...

Anyway I am thinking I should know either way within a few days, as that pink is either good news or bad. I had pink on the toilet tissue when I was a couple weeks pregnant with Robert, so who knows.

If we're talking about days since last period, it was yesterday that I tested faintly positive with Robert, and Friday when it was more noticeable. I am in two minds when to test. Do I test tomorrow morning? Or do I test Friday morning? If I test Friday morning and it's positive then I will be unable to keep it in to myself I think! I am going over to the in-laws on Friday, doing some shopping for the party, then will bake Robert's cake. We will be coming back that night so the cat's not alone too much, then on Saturday morning we'll head back there again to prepare the party food, sort out decorations and whatnot. Staying overnight Saturday ready for the party on Sunday. Soo... I am wondering whether to wait until Monday before testing, because if I find out I am pregnant before the party I might let slip? What do you think?

Anyway, I am thrilled with Robert's progress as of late. He is understanding more and more of what we say. He understands stand and sit, cat, ball, car, clap and splash, book, milk, balloon. And those are just off the top of my head! Whenever I ask him where the cat is, he goes over to the stairs and looks up them, as that's usually where he sees her sitting. (When he does see her he makes the most adorable little squeal of excitement!)

He is also managing to stack bricks quite well too. He has stacked towers of 4 bricks before now, and very occasionally 5 bricks. Which I believe is at least an 18 month average milestone :)

He has begun to hold remote controls to his ear like he's talking on the telephone which is ultra cute :)

He is such a lovely little boy, always coming up for hugs, although rarely gives kisses. He can keep himself entertained for a long time really, which is good, although he can still be a little clingy when he's not perfectly content when someone leaves the room.

He has the most gorgeous expressions and is so curious about everything. I can't believe how much he has changed and grown in just 1 year. I can't believe it has been 1 whole year (minus 5 days lol) that he has been here. And at the same time I can't believe it has ONLY been 1 year. My sister-in-law said to me shortly after he was born that it wouldn't be long before I couldn't remember life without him. Well it wasn't instant, it did take a good while, I remember sitting and semi-wishing I had my old baby-less life back where I could watch telly whenever I wanted, get up when I wanted, eat when I wanted, etc. But now I can hardly remember what it was like, and when I try and imagine it again I find myself glad that I have my baby and I wouldn't go back to my life before him for anything!

At the playground

Playing peekaboo behind the net curtain with his cousin Ewan

Playing with his new toybox

At the local country park and their new kiddie area

My little sleeping angel :)


  1. Squeeeeee! So exciting! Very selifishly I want you to find out straight away, but I think you're right and should wait until Monday. That way you'll really know for sure and if you do get your period in the meantime you won't waste a test.

    Everything crossed for you! ;)

    Robert is gorgeous as ever, I love his cardigan it really suits him :D

  2. Oh my goodness, I'd NEEEEEVVVVVER hold out till Monday, haha! ;) I have no advice to give on testing, you know I'd do it right away, but if you're able to hold off then as Jemma said it might be better. How exciting!!! I agree, the pink spotting is very promising! I have only ever had that (without being followed by a period straight away) when pregnant. Sounds to me as though you may well be pregnant!!! Eeeee!!

    I hope the party goes well - can't wait for photos and to read all about it! Love the photos of Robert and his latest news! Clever boy stacking those bricks - Arthur did that too at 12/13 months and I remember feeling very proud of him because it is waaaay early for that milestone. Robert is doing wonderfully with his development! Also he's so beautiful! Just had to say :)

  3. I would TRY and hold out. I am one of those people that never tests though... I always just wait and see. It is better that was for disappointment I have found.
    LOVE the pic of Robert in the play tube with his bum!! Tooooo cute!
