Tuesday 6 October 2009


Just some ponderings since yesterday's entry.

The last week or so I have been getting ewcm, quite often since I was pregnant, when I was discharging so much I had to wear pantyliners every day... sorry for tmi lol :( Anyway, yeah I've been getting discharge again. I've been getting odd feelings down there, not sure if it's cramps or just wind/tummy aches! Still no period and he's coming up for 11 months old.

The more time that goes by, the more I feel that if Jonathan gets his way and we only have 2 children, that I will be so sad if my next pregnancy is my last! I also think the more time goes on that a longer age gap (3+ years) seems really unnatural! Unless I stop breastfeeding completely I don't think there's any other way to make sure my periods return, and that just isn't an option for me. I so completely love breastfeeding! So it is just a case of hoping that these niggles are pre-ovulation niggles and soon I will be able to conceive again! I hope I can conceive again before January. Ideally I want less than 2 years between babies but not both in the same month! If I conceive this month or next I am looking at a July/August birth. But who knows, I don't even know if it's possible yet! C'mon body get on with ovulating! lol!
Anyway, better get the teething boy ready for either a nap or to go to surestart. tata!


  1. I hear you on the ovulation! I hope we both ovulate soon! Wishing you lots of luck!

  2. just remember, as soon as we give birth, we are told that you CAN get pregnant before your periods return. So, maybe thats a good thing.
