Saturday 17 October 2009

Aunt Flo

Sooooo... Aunt Flo arrived last night. God, it sure hits home when you've not had a period in almost 2 years!!! I feel so so so BLEUGH, and I hope I get pregnant quickly so I don't need to go through many more periods for a while LOL!

My hormones have been all over the place. Jonathan told me that I've been horrid to live with recently and I know I have as well. Plus the inability to cope with normal 11 month old behaviour. I don't know if this is all due to the impending visit from Aunt Flo, or the fact that I've now been off the anti-ds for about 3 weeks, or a combination of both. I am going to see how things go, and if I still feel bad and unable to cope with what should be simple things I shall go back to the doctor, and see if we can come up with a solution other than go back on the anti-ds. I don't want to be on them forever!

We stayed overnight at Jonathan's parents last night. I am very very glad that I thought to pack sanitary towels at the last minute! We headed off to Bournemouth in the morning to see Jonathan's gran, who is in a home with dementia, we were expecting her to say that she had met Robert before (when she hasn't), but she didn't, and in fact didn't say anything hugely weird all morning, apart from calling Jonathan Robert's grandad (LOL).

He had great fun playing with her zimmer frame!

We then went to the beach for a while, and bought Robert a bucket and spade, which I think Jonathan's dad enjoyed more! But he also saw the sea for the first time! We went for a long walk along the sea and back again, I was exhausted!

He had great fun exploring the beach! (and looking at the pebbles, the sea-weed, the shells, the soggy sand right by the sea, etc!)

We saw Jonathan's uncle as well for the first time since Robert was about 4 or 5 weeks old or so. He seemed a lot more into Robert today than he did back then! (He's obviously not a newborn-person)

You can see Jonathan's uncle in the background here, completely unimpressed with Robert lol! (And he was like that pretty much the whole time!) But he was much more interested in Robert when he saw him yesterday.

On the Friday, we stayed overnight as it was an early start in the morning, so we headed over there in the afternoon. Robert had a fantastic time playing in his grandma and grandpa's garden, it's very big, and there's lots to see, including a stream!

But he loved playing with the rain water in the wheelbarrow...

And playing with the leaves that had fallen off the trees...

And having a ride in the wheelbarrow! (Actually a different one - a dry one lol)

And having a ride in Grandma's gardening trolley!

He just had a lovely time this weekend!


  1. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend! And I love the photos - Robert is such a wee charmer!

  2. That green jacket really suits Robert - what a lovely colour! Sarah

  3. I love the "green theme" running through the latter pictures. All the photo's are fabulous. Good to hear Aunt Flo is in visitation, I'm also getting an official visit at last after almost 2 weeks of her just popping by here and there as if to say hi as warning of her impending stay.
