Thursday 17 January 2013

25 weeks - midwife update and thoughts on name

So I'm 25 weeks today!  I've had times of feeling very uncomfortably pregnant, and well, I've still got around 15 weeks to go!  I can only imagine how uncomfortable I'll be 3 months from now if I'm already getting spates of it now!

Midwife appointment went well.  I seem to cope with pregnancy very well, my wee is always clear, my blood pressure is always fine.  My tummy was measuring 26 weeks, so 1 week ahead.  Probably all the chocolate and biscuits I've been scoffing since Christmas... must start snacking less now!!

Anyway, after my last post where I talked about bonding, and people asking about the name, and if there was compromise, well I don't think the first name is negotiable.  Jonathan's had this name in his head since Robert was in utero, and since I was the one who mainly wanted a third baby, I agreed to let him have the name if it was another boy.  We had agreed though that the middle name would be my choice.  But since I was thinking the middle name "should be" a family name, one that honoured a family member, I kind of felt it was one of two choices - both of which I didn't particularly love, and I would most likely put the back of one of my parents up either way.  So I'm wondering whether to just choose a name I love - one that I would have wanted to call him as a first name.


  1. Do the other boys have family related middle names? If they do then I think you have done well to already take that into consideration. If not, then I understand your turmoil.

    Baby boy 3 will have his name for LIFE and it is something that YOU need to be happy with. Go for a name that you are comfortable with and if push really does come to shove, who is to say baby boy can't have 2 middle names?

  2. I think it's a great idea to use the name you love, I think then you'll really feel like you got your choice too :)
    The only thing to bear in mind is whether or not you'll have any more? If baby number 4 is also a boy, will you wish you'd kept the name for him?

  3. This is a tough one. I used family names for both girls and so with Eli, being the last baby and only boy, I used both his grandfathers names as middle names. I would have used just my Dad's as I liked that name better, but as the girls' middle names were from my family, I thought I had better use one from James' side. The diffence though is that I did have a decision in Eli's first name. I think that you should choose a name you love for the middle name, so that as Tequilamonkey said, you will feel that you had your choice too. I am sure though whatever namemyou choose, it won't take long after he is born before you can't imagine him being called anything else. :)

  4. I was going to day pretty much everything Leigh said! She took the words right outta my mouth! :)
