Thursday 10 November 2011

Another little update!

After the spotting on Saturday, I had nothing. Nada. Becca said that she found that when using the end of the roll that can sometimes give a pink tinge with the adhesive to stick it to the roll, and realised that yes I may well have been using the end of the roll! So I thought that it was probably all in my imagination then.... especially since the cramping went away mostly (and what was left was probably down to my mild tummy bug). UNTIL TODAY!

I just went to the toilet, and there was DEFINITE red spotting on it! From the middle of the toilet roll! ;) I'm still thinking it's unlikely that I have a new little bean growing, but things are DEFINITELY on the move now! I'll take a test tomorrow (just to be sure) but then wait and see when AF turns up!

Other non-fertility/cycle news at the moment... Christopher is quite poorly with a bad cold and accompanying fever. He really does feel quite rotten with it... Robert has the same cough Christopher started out with, and a sore throat, so wondering if he'll get the fever too :( We've started a no TV thing but with two poorly boys, I figure a bit of mindless TV watching isn't such a bad thing!

Hope you're all well! Tell me one exciting bit of news you've had in the last few days in the comments!


  1. Not alot other than moving lol!
    Oo that sounds positive about the spotting nic,is that how your periods started again after Robert? I had implantation bleed the day I found out I was pregnant with Liv (4 weeks)
    Hope the boys are better soon.x

  2. Hmmm, Af is still good news, that means you can start trying! :P

    One bit of good news: how about a great bit of news? Our baby is okay and doing well in there after the scare! Phew! :)

  3. Yay Linds so pleased for you! Xxx
