Monday 21 December 2009

Late, but not pregnant.

I am late for my period. Assuming of course that I am regular, which I suppose I am not. I did a test this morning. It was negative. Jonathan and I had sex every other day from about 2 days after my period ended, up until a week or so after I should have ovulated based on the 14 days before period due thing. Even though I reckon I ovulated around CD12.

I am beginning to feel a bit dejected, I know I haven't really been trying all that long to get pregnant really. Only since August, and that was even before I had my period. So only 2 months since I've had my period. I guess I just was spoilt with Robert, getting pregnant with him straight away I assumed I would fall quickly this time as well.

And to add insult to injury, I will be spending Christmas with Aunt Flo, assuming she gets her arse into gear and gets here. Urgh. I feel so low. :(

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to send you some hugs! Sorry you are feeling so low, and that AF is going to be visiting for Christmas :(

    Try to remember that after a baby it's unlikely that you'll be regular for a while yet. I think I've had 4 or 5 periods between each baby and still never got back to my pre-babies "regular" that I once knew. I always ovulate later than usual (gets earlier and more back towards normal each cycle, but only very gradually, and then some cycles throw me for a loop like the one I'm on now!), and have a shorter luteal phase while breastfeeding which is very common.

    I know you weren't keen on the idea but if it's not working for you straight off and you're only newly back to ovulating and still breastfeeding, I would strongly recommend charting for a bit to see what your cycles are doing. I would also not assume that you ovulate 14 days before your period arrives (you may never have done this!) - it's only an average (my luteal phase used to be 12/13 days as a norm, and has been shorter since having babies - needs to be 10+ for pregnancy to occur really) and everybody is different. This too will vary from your norm as you start getting periods again after having Robert, so you never know unless you chart to find out.

    Anyway I hope AF is over and done with earlier than expected, so she doesn't get in the way of enjoying Christmas! *hugs*
