Monday 28 May 2012

If I didn't know better...

If I didn't know better (and I do), I'd think I was pregnant. I've had so many "typical" pregnancy symptoms lately. Waves of occasional nausea, tender breasts and nipples, bloatedness, tiredness, super sense of smell spring to mind.

I'm not pregnant, I had my period, arriving on time, more or less, and lasting the right length of time, and I tested after it finished and it was negative. So no idea what that's all about.

I've started my first batch of decorating. Starting with the smallest room of the house, the downstairs cloakroom/toilet. My mum made me a floral arrangement a while ago to go in there, and I decided it was high time the house got its first lick of paint since we moved in over 4 years ago. So we got some pink paint to go with the flowers, and I painted one wall of the room (the one you see immediately you open the door). I then, today, painted a bit extra. I would ideally like to get some magnolia and freshen up the magnolia that's there already. And some white to freshen the skirting and ceiling. Then buy a ceiling light fitting to match in, and maybe get some new carpet or laminate, and that's that room DONE. Yes the smallest in the house, but it will be one room down, and it's amazing how GREAT it made me feel!! I would love to now start gradually transforming our magnolia canvas of a house into something that feels like we've DONE something with it! I really enjoyed painting, it felt so theraputic covering up the old magnolia with fresh pretty pink! I wish it were easier to find the time to decorate. I did a tiny bit of painting while the boys were eating lunch. It needs to be a weekend job I guess! I can't wait to get a whole rainbow of colours into the house somehow!


  1. funny - i had this last month... i could've sworn blind i was pregnant (this would be no mean feat either, seeing as i'm on a contraceptive pill!) but my period came and all tests were negative. funny how your body can trick you! i'm sure it will happen soon :-) xx

  2. I get this feeling occassionally too and I'm on a 3 monthly injection. I think it's just hormones at different times of the month that does it to us.Enjoy your decorating, you are sounding alot more upbeat at the moment and it's a joy to see.

  3. It's gotta be hormones! Here's to hoping it will happen. Soon or when you're ready. Yay for decorating. Loved te pics on fb!
