Thursday 24 September 2009

10 months old!

So only two months until Robert is ONE! I can't believe how fast it has gone and yet what a long time it seems to have been! I have completely forgotten what it was like to NOT have Robert in my life, it's like he's been here forever! He brings me such joy every day. I look at him and my heart fills with pride. When I carry him to his cot, where he's fallen asleep at my breast, I look down at his precious sleepy face and to me it is the most beautiful thing in the world. I watch him toddle around the room (which he does ALL the time now!) and the cuteness of it is overwhelming! He can steady himself if he goes off balance slightly, he can deliberately change direction.

We have all managed to get a cold, mine has been quite bad, although it is slightly better today. Robert though is still very snotty. It's quite good though in one way and that is that my appetite seems to have decreased a bit, and as such I've lost about 3lbs this week, and am now finally down to 13 stone 12lbs, which I was at back in July... I really want to get down to 13 and a half stone within the next couple of weeks. And hopefully 13 stone by Robert's birthday by the latest. Assuming of course that I'm not pregnant by then!


  1. Happy 10-month birthday Robert :) *cheer*

  2. Robert is just growing up so fast! i love the photos of him at the top of your blog! So darn cute! :) Good work on the weight loss!
