Thanks for the notes of sympathy and advice about my last entry :) It finally cleared up around midday, and last night was a lovely uninterupted length of sleep (apart from the 2 or 3 times getting up for the loo of course!).
I am 15 weeks pregnant today, and as such there's a picture in the belly gallery, although I personally cannot see any difference since 12 weeks. Ah well! J thinks I have got bigger though.
Anyway, am going to Kent for the weekend, well just over a day probably - we're going to my dad's for about 5pm/6pm today, since thats when he finishes work, and spend the night there, and breakfast, and then we're going to head over to mum's. Mum has a jam-packed day scheduled for us all... pram-shopping in the morning, followed by lunch out somewhere, followed by an afternoon (or an hour or two max hopefully!) of me picking out knitting patterns for Sausage. She says she'll do a jumper for me first because she wants to know whether Sausage is a boy or a girl before doing those bits - she wants to do pink or blue ;) But I guess I'll have to make sure that the sonographer is REALLY sure about the gender before I let mum loose on the knitting needles! ;)
I can't believe I'm almost 4 months pregnant. But at the same time it feels like it's crawled along - how is that possible! ;) Whenever I've been reading pregnancies - Alices' three mainly, and aware of Nicky's pregnancy, it seems to have been over in a flash. Yet for me, it seems to be taking ages, yet at the same time, it feels like only a couple of weeks ago that I found out I was pregnant! When in fact, I found out about it TEN whole weeks ago!
I'll have to remember to take my Pregnacare tablets with me to Kent, along with my antenatal records. Anyway, we have to leave in 2 hours, and have the front lawn to mow and lunch to get before then, so I'll leave you for now, have a great weekend folks! x
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