Saturday, 17 May 2008

13 weeks - 2nd gender dream

I had my second gender dream last night, the first one being way back in week 7.(!) Again, it was a boy! I was 20 weeks pregnant, and was having the second ultrasound (although the setting was more like a classroom than the room I went into for the 12 week scan!), and there, as clear as day, was the little boy bits. They zoomed up close to them as well so you could really see the detail (almost seemed like 3D scans the amount of detail I could see). So there we go, so far it's 2-0 in favour of boy as far as dreams go!

I got my blood test results back from the hospital today, I'm in the low risk group for Downs Syndrome. (Which I was kind of expecting, I am fairly young) Which I guess doesn't really mean anything, my baby still could have Downs, just is less likely to than if I was in the high risk group. I've met a couple of children with Downs when I worked in the nursery. But it is a bit of a pain - people who get put in the high risk group get to know for sure whether their baby has downs through a follow-up test. Maybe there was no real point in getting that test done. Since I won't know for SURE now before the birth anyway. Which would have been the same had I not had that test done. Ah well, either it is or it isn't, there's nothing much I can do either way and I'll love this baby no matter what. It'll just be a bit harder if s/he has downs than if s/he doesn't.

Anyway, I'd better get going, I need to get dressed (just had a shower), and then we're going to Homebase to get some step ladders. Anyone would think we'd taken out shares in homebase! ;)

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