I seem to just sleep and sleep and sleep lately. That night I went to bed past 1am was a BAAAAD idea. I think it's completely screwed my internal body clock and now I can't get up until gone 10. J got up with his alarm this morning, I heard the alarm, but then I went back into SUCH a deep sleep, when he brought up my tea, I was in the middle of a dream, where I was over at my sister Helen's house, along with my mum (lol) and we were eating christmas dinner! Well, getting prepared to eat christmas dinner. Anyway, Jonathan appeared in my dream, and said "Tea time!" but he was actually saying that in real life, as he put down my tea by my bed. Then I fell back into another deep sleep after he left, and by the time I woke up again, my tea was cold. Ooops! So I got up, dragged my dressing gown on, and put the tea into the microwave and made myself a bowl of cereal. This was about an hour ago at 10am.
Am watching Britain's Got Talent semi finals this week.. oooh they're so good! And the competition was very tough last night as well - the show had about 4 VERY good acts (8 total), but only 2 could get through to the finals, and I think of the 4 good acts the right 2 went through. I've been scouring Youtube for the auditions, and saw most of the ones on there that I've seen over the past 2 evenings. Ooh it's such a good show. And I did like that 13 year old - Andrew - his singing was incredible and I loved the song he chose. And those two kids, the Cheeky Monkeys, were adorable and their dancing was great.
Anyway, I'll be in front of the TV same time same place tonight hehe ;) 8.30 ITV!
Anyway, I keep thinking to myself I should watch out and be alert for any fetal movements - it IS possible to feel them by now right? Although usually only those who have been pregnant before feel them this early. Does me knowing what they're supposed to feel like put me at an advantage? Or is it something you can only know when you feel them yourself, does weight of the mother affect the way the movements are felt? Ah I guess... only time will tell. And I will feel them eventually, I am just coming to realise that I am indeed one of the most impatient people I know! (When it comes to things I'm looking forward to!) I can't wait for the next scan, I can't wait to feel movements, I just can't wait for anything it seems! ;) Anyway, I'll sign off here, if you missed my last "proper" entry, hit the previous entry button twice. Thanks for reading! x
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