I filled in a form yesterday for a practioner of Hypnobirthing who has classes close to where we live now. I first saw this on Richard and Judy - years ago now, and was so impressed with the idea I made a mental note that when/if I ever got pregnant, I would like to investigate it more.
Anyway, this woman called me back with times and dates of the next session, which runs through from the end of July and through August. I am eager to do this, not only for myself (pain free labour! How tempting!) but also for Jonathan, as I have heard often husbands and partners stand by helplessly watching their loved ones going through so much pain and being unable to help. Apparently the role of the birthing partner in the labour is intregal, and I would love for J to feel he has a special part to play in the birth of his child (other than just taxi driver and helpless onlooker!). Anyway, I have a date to see the midwife in a few weeks time, 11th June. J seems very apprehensive about using the woman whose form I filled in yesterday, because of the website I followed through from - it was one of those cheesy "look how great this product is, look at the photos of the happy customers, look at their testimonials, here's what you get for such and such a price, and oh wait there's more, order now and get 10% off, and a free xyz blah blah" websites.
He seems okay with me going for hypnobirthing, but he wants to make sure I'm not "scammed", so I've agreed to ask the midwife about any registered hypnobirthing practioners in the area. And as far as I could tell from my googling, the only one was the woman I contacted. But we'll see what the midwife says. And this way at least we'll both be happy. I hope the midwife knows about hypnobirthing. If not, maybe she'll know about similar things.
Something I'm quite confused about is how generally relaxed I am, considering this is my first pregnancy. I mean yeah, I was panicking a bit in the run up to my first scan, but other than that I've generally been fine. And something else that's boggling me is the fact I don't think my profile has changed AT ALL since I got pregnant, I really don't think I'm any bigger. It seems crazy to think that I'll most likely be huge come this winter. It also seems crazy that I'll have to wait 7 weeks and 4 days until my next scan. That's just bloody ages away! Over half of my total pregnancy so far! I'm just so impatient! Hehe. I guess I should just wait for the midwife appointment, maybe she'll be able to let me hear the heartbeat. Gosh I do hope so. I think I need something soon. I know this little one is inside me, but right now it just seems like me. The baby isn't moving (that I can feel of course), I'm not showing, I'm just... me.
Time to actually do some stuff around the house, I've been slacking lately. Thanks for reading xx
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