Sausage is ok! :D We got there in plenty of time for the scan, having drunk 2 pints before we left, and oh my goodness.. there's an ACTUAL baby inside me! A baby with a head, and body, and 2 arms and 2 legs. (although the scan stills don't really show the arms and legs very well) The heart was beating, and as she was doing the measurements (which put me at 12 weeks and 1 day! Only one day off!) Sausage started to wiggle HARD! It sort of looked like his body "blipped" up from the bottom of the uterus, and then fell down again, and did it several times while we were watching :)
It was sooo hard not to cry, it was amazing! And I did cry a lot, I think I must have been all red around the eyes by the time I went back into the waiting area to wait for my maternity notes and the copies of the ultrasound.
Anyway, here are the pictures...
I won't bother changing the ticker down there, since they only reckoned it was 1 day out, which is close enough imo. But this also gives me EXACTLY the same EDD as my sister-in-law now (23rd November)
Thanks for all your well wishes. :) I've been busy telling the world! (Uploaded the scan photos to facebook, and also to my WoW guild forum)
Hope you're all ok xx Thanks for reading!
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