Well, when the men brought the sofas on Wednesday, they also seemed to bring along cold wet weather. Urgh. I don't know whether it's because of the climax from now having the sofas (and now nothing to look forward to for the immediate future), or the fact the weather is now piss poor, but my energy and my mood has taken a skydive. Yesterday I was lethargic, and bored. Like I wanted to do something, but I didn't know what. So I browsed the internet for a while, watched a bit of Stargate SG1, ate some bacon cheese and mayo sandwiches, then went and had a nap until gone 6pm, and then played a bit of WoW until J got home.
We went downstairs and watched TV a bit - well I went first and watched the end of a programme called "Britain's Youngest Grannies" which was about women who had a girl in their teens who then had babies in their teens also. (So the Grandma was about 30something) I got thinking, assuming the trend did carry on, it's possible for someone to be a great-great-great grandma and still be alive!!! And infact if every generation had a baby at 16 (or younger), the first one could be a great-great-great-great grandma if she lived to be 96 years old! How freaky is that?? I don't remember ever having a great-grandma alive.. I don't think I had one alive anyway. My Dad's parents both died when he was a boy, and I think their parents also died a while back. In fact, I don't really know anything ABOUT my great grandparents. But these days, with people living longer, and some people having babies sooner... people DO get to know their great grandmas. My Nan (mother's side) has been a great-grandma for 12 years now, to my cousin's little girl Abby.
But Jonathan's side... our baby will only have one great-grandma his side, and unfortunately, she has Alzheimer's, and is steadily getting worse. I don't think she really knows who we are anymore, whenever we see her, we're just "nice people" who she comments about when we're not there anymore. Well, it's understandable that she thinks that of me, but you'd think she'd recognise Jonathan more, being her grandson... I guess it doesn't help that she's a long distance from where he grew up.. She talks about her childhood like it was yesterday, forgets key details, like how many sisters she had. I was reading a blog of a woman who'd had a baby, and she took it round to see her grandma - the baby's great grandma, who also had Alzheimer's. The grandma thought the baby was hers. It's quite sad, and I can see that happening to Jonathan's gran too. J has been making sure to send some letters to her every now and then, with updates about the baby. It will be her first great grandchild, and at least if she has the physical letters, she will have something she can hang onto, and keep looking back at. He put a picture of the scan in with the last letter.
Hmm. So enough depressing talk I guess.
I just can't wait until either the next scan, or until I can feel movements. Or something! A real belly size difference. I know that people say you don't really feel the baby move until about 20 weeks with your first baby, but maybe I'll feel it sooner because I know what to look out for, what sort of sensations it's been described as. But still, it'll be at LEAST 2 weeks from now that I'll feel it probably. I guess it can be quite frustrating for the father, because it's probably impossible to feel movements from the outside until quite late on, even though the mother may be able to feel the "bubbles" inside.
Hmm, and later on today I need to organise an appointment to see the midwife at 16 weeks. Seeing as that's just over 3 weeks away, better to be safe than sorry I guess ;) I wonder what sort of thing she'll do at that appointment? Maybe try and hear the baby's heart beat? Presumably check sugar levels and blood pressure again, and tell me the results of the blood test I had at around 9 weeks. (And maybe the blood test results from after the scan at the hospital) I didn't get to hear the heart beat at the 12 week scan, she just showed us the heart beating.
I was talking to my mum last night on MSN, she had mentioned a while ago that if we wanted, after Jonathan had to go back to work after Paternity leave, she could come and stay with us for a week to help out with baby, or cooking, cleaning, washing, that sort of thing. I suggested it to J, and he seemed to be ok with it, so I told her so, and we talked a little about it, and also about other sorts of pregnancy related things. It was nice talking to mum about it, even if her views on things are a little outdated, and she doesn't seem to know a lot about certain things. For example, when I told her I was spotting at around 4-6 weeks pregnant, she was really worried, but I explained to her about implantation bleeding and she seemed to understand then and go ahhh, ok. When I mentioned about cloth nappies, she also said to me "normal ones or shaped ones?" when I asked her what "normal" cloth nappies were, she said they were a square of material folded into a triangle and fixed with nappy pins!! She's 52 this year, so I guess not quite with it with regards to the modern "normal" cloth nappies haha! Talking of cloth nappies, I finally got around to filling in that questionnaire thing on thenappylady. So hopefully soon I'll get a recommendation through.
Oh yeah, something else my mum was talking about was that one of her friends was once pregnant, and she kept having normal periods up until 7 months pregnant (!) and didn't gain much weight at all, and so didn't know she was pregnant at all! at 7 months she stopped having her periods, and 6 weeks after that they finally found out she was pregnant! (But thought ofc that the baby was only 6 weeks gestation!!!) And were surprised when the baby arrived shortly after that! Apparently during the whole pregnancy she only went up one dress size! How crazy is that!! That's also something that boggles my mind, how you can have a full sized baby floating around inside you and not be huge. Lol :)
Anyway, that's enough blabbering for now I think. Need to get some breakfast. Thanks for reading xx
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