Friday, 30 May 2008

14 weeks 6 days - Moaning entry, sorry! Heartburn :(

Ok, I apologise in advance, but this entry is going to be a moany one. I have discovered the joys (!) of heartburn. I don't know whether I got it bad or whether I got it normal, but I couldn't sleep at ALL last night... well, until gone 6am. I was up at 4.30am, researching heartburn, then up again at 5.30, since it occured to me while laying in bed after researching it that milk is alkaline, right? So went up to get myself a drink of milk. It didn't really help much. Then early this morning I woke up to go to the toilet again (for the 3rd or 4th time, since I was awake anyway I realised more often I needed to go), I suddenly got an overwhelming wave of nausea, and rushed back to bed as quickly as I could, and asked J to go and get the washing up bowl from downstairs incase I needed to be sick. Thank goodness I didn't, but I was breaking out in hot and cold sweats. And even now, I feel really bad. My heartburn has lessened somewhat since last night (being upright probably helps) but now my stomach is churning and gurgling horribly. And my heart sinks when I think that the heartburn is only going to get worse and keep coming and going. I just keep trying to think that in the end, it'll all be worth it, that in November we'll be welcoming Sausage to the world and that will make all the aches, pains, heartburn, sickness, labour.. worth it.

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