J and I went to Kent, to see my parents for the first time since March and the grand announcements (or should I say the grandma/pa announcements? ;) ) My dad and step-mum got sozzled in front of me (pah) on Saturday night, well not completely, but by the end of the evening, my step-mum was slurring very slightly, and telling me to "take good care of that baby" even though she'd be seeing me in the morning.. hehe. Something that I found unusual was the fact that in the morning, I must have eaten maybe only 5 mouthfuls of the cooked English breakfast I had in front of me. I just couldn't eat anything else!
Anyway, on Sunday, times were a bit less easy going - my mum generally is on a shorter fuse than my dad and his wife, and her boyfriend does wind her up a lot, although I don't think they could do without each other. But we all had fun pram shopping - well, I think me and mum more than J and Dave, but the two of them contributed to it a bit as well, and we made sure the pram we picked out was comfortable for Jonathan to push along (at his height of 6'5"). We saw one, and thought yes, that's perfect, but then we saw another one, and that had so much more room, was slightly higher on the handlebars, etc. We chose the Mothercare Trenton Deluxe pushchair travel system, which according to the sizes given to us will fit into the boot of our car. Just! And is also comfortable for Jonathan to push.
When we'd made up our minds, we went around and nosed around the rest of the shop, at the cots, and the other bits around. I saw those great little chair things - gah I forget the name, one second.. aha, Bumbo.
I also stopped to look at baby baths, and this prompted mum to mention the bath my brother and sister-in-law use for my nephew.. "they use a bucket to bathe him in..." and with the italic "bucket", imagine a disgusted tone and screwed up face expression. At which point, a woman in the shop behind us who was also browsing said "I have to say, those bucket baths are GREAT! My son hated the ordinary sort" and she gestured to the ones on the shelves, "but he absolutely loved the bucket bath, made him feel so much more secure. Then when he outgrew it, he went straight into the bath." Which... er... kinda shut my mum up lol... Thing is with mum is that she's in her 50s, and she has set ideas on what she wants, what she likes, what is "normal", and anything else is just WEIRD and unnecessary. But she is good in that if I have said I like something, before she voices an opinion on it, she will keep quiet.
Oh, and I also bought a lot of maternity clothes using some M&S vouchers. :D I have 6 great tops, and 2 pairs of trousers. I wish I could find that skirt I had, it'll be great for summer! Ah well, I'll find it soon I'm sure. There is a top I really love, unfortunately I need to find a new bra before I can wear it. Since it shows quite a lot of the strap. But lots of really nice tops, yay! I think if I get a bump band my wardrobe (bar a nice pair of summer trousers, a larger coat and a warm top or two for winter) will be complete :)
Hope you all had a great weekend! Thanks for reading :) x
Oh my gosh! I almost forgot to say! I think yesterday, I may have felt the baby move for the first time. Although I'm not really sure, or if what I felt was too high up to be baby movements. I've been watching out for anything that may be described as fluttering or bubbles, and while I'm not sure the feeling is either of those, it was definitely something weird that I've not really felt at all this pregnancy so far. Is 15 weeks too early? Or is it possible this was the baby moving? It's so hard to tell, I don't know for sure what it feels like, if it was the right sort of feeling. I guess I'll wait and see if I feel anything similar over the next few weeks.
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