I will try and forget about yesterday's incident for the time being, rather than let it eat at me. Thank you Becky and Megan for the advice, I'll see how things go for now.
Last night I wasn't very well, I don't know where it came from, but it was the opposite end to that which most women have problems with during pregnancy. I was off my food at dinner time, we had a barbecue, and all I managed really was a few bites of salad, the whole jacket potato, and only a bite or two of the other stuff on my plate (sausage, burger, and kebab). Then, (sorry for TMI) I was farting all evening, and the smell was HORRENDOUS. I went to bed, carried on in there (ewww) with the windows open, and then got up several times for a wee, and the last trip was when it all came cascading out. Yuck. Sorry! Hope no-one was eating when they read this. But after that I felt much better and got a good night's sleep. It's just a bit weird, have I got some weird aversion now to processed meats? I love a bit of steak, and haven't had any problems with it. But then I don't think I had any problems with burgers or sausages before last night either. Maybe it was just inevitable, no matter what I ate.
Ah well, the important thing is that I'm feeling okay now.
Anyway, I forgot to mention a few days ago that I had another gender dream, and while it was very blurry, I don't remember much about the dream at all, I remember it was during a scan again, and I was told it was a girl, and I remember being VERY surprised! And happy! And now for some reason the % has dropped a lot for chances it's a boy, before it was about 90% in my head that it was a boy, now it's more like... 60%, or less. I feel a bit guilty to tell the truth because I feel I have more of a preferance for girl than boy, and at least when I was thinking it was a boy with practically 100% definicity (is that a word? lol) I wouldn't be upset if it was indeed a boy, and would be thrilled if it turned out to be a girl. But now in my head it's almost as likely to have a boy as a girl, if it's a girl I'll be less surprised, and if it's a boy, I may well think I'll be a little disappointed. Of course the overriding factor in all this is no matter the sex, if they're healthy that's what's most important at the end of the day, but I don't think I'll be able to stop that tiny bit of disappointment all the same. I guess at least, finding out the sex in 6 weeks time, I will have 19 weeks (assuming I reach my due date!) to get used to the idea that it's a boy. Which sounds HORRID. Although maybe when I find out it is a boy, I will be absolutely thrilled anyway. Time will tell I guess.
Thanks for reading, tata x
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