We finally have Robert's heart beat recorded! I'm so glad we have this at last! It's so nice being able to hear it in private at home, even if it was recorded with the midwife also there! Jonathan mentioned to me as we walked home after the appointment that he found her quite cold at times again. She doesn't seem that way to me anymore, but she definitely has that "aura" about her when you first meet her, or I suppose maybe when you're not so used to her.
Last night we went out for dinner. We had a relatively early dinner in comparison to most evenings, but I had only had 2 bowls of cereal that day and very little else (a drink or two). And it was quite scary, but I was beginning to get a little shaky and feel weird, we'd decided a few hours earlier we'd go out to dinner, so as soon as I started to feel odd, I sort of hurried him along so we could go asap! And while he was getting ready I drank a couple of glasses of milk, and snacked on a slice of sandwich turkey and a small block of cheese hehe.
I guess I'm more used to grazing throughout the day on various things. That and having a slightly bigger lunch than a bowl of cereal ;)
I have a lot to do today, I'm very good at procrastinating generally, but I figure I'll carry on where we left off yesterday and clear out a box or two of mine in the spare room, do the washing up, put a load of washing on, and tidy up around the house a bit which has got a bit cluttered with rubbish.
We went shopping last night after the meal, and looked for a knife sharpener, which we couldn't find, but stopped via baby products, and as I remember them being on a "list", some maternity towels, breast pads and muslins found their way into the shopping trolley too! At the checkout, the lady there got quite chatty, firstly about her puppies.. (o-kayyyy) and then when she spotted the muslins she started chatting away about those. "Oooh they're ever so good, my daughter uses them all the time!" And then she said something that acknowledged she knew I was pregnant (Like the muslins, breast pads and maternity towels along with bump weren't a give away! hehe), and I said "yeah, I've got just over a month to go now." And she exclaimed "Oooooh! How lovely!!! Do you know what you're having?" When I told her it was a boy, she said "Ahhh, was he waving at you on the scan then?" hahaha! The thought of a little baby waving his willy made us chuckle on the way out of the store. Maybe it's just true, people do get chattier when they see a pregnant women!
Anyway, someone who *was* on our November due date board, but later had her dates adjusted to the middle of October, but stuck around in November anyway had her baby either yesterday or today. She was due on 16th so I guess it's nice her baby girl came a couple of days early ;) I'm under no illusion that Robert will want to bake well into December. Haha! I bet he's a stubborn little boy like his Mum. If him stopping kicking as soon as someone else puts their hand on my belly to feel him kick is anything to go by anyway!
Oh! I forgot! Our camcorder and portable CD player we ordered with the last of our wedding vouchers arrived this morning! So yay, plenty of time to practise with it before he's born. I guess we have to decide whether or not we record the birth too. Part of me is thinking we should do it, and then decide whether or not to show people, because if we don't, and then decide we did want to, we'll be disappointed because we don't have it at all. I'm thinking it will be nice to have as a personal record even if we don't show it to everyone else. Something nice for the memory banks :) Right, big day of lots of productivity today! haha. ;) Hope you're all well!
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