Monday, 13 October 2008

34 weeks 2 days - midwife app later, yesterday at the in-laws

Yesterday we had a long (but lovely!) day over at J's parents. Went over for lunch time, where we also saw Naomi (J's sister) and Barbara. Then had some tea and J's dad opened up his birthday presents from everyone (it's his birthday today). Barbara left shortly after that, as she lives in the same village it's only a short walk back for her, and then a while after that Naomi also left to go and pick up her fiance from the train station. One of the presents J got his dad was some external hard drive thing for the computer, which he then spent the next few hours setting up and installing things, etc, inbetween which watching the Formula 1 (I'm ashamed to admit I got into it a little while they were out of the room hahaha!). Anyway we ended up staying until about 9pm.

But Robert got some pressies too! Betsy (J's mum) had crocheted a white blanket and a blue jacket for him, and had bought from the market she has a stall on every week a couple of sets of knitted boots, mittens and hat, one in blue one in white. Something we were wondering about since we know what's going on with my parents is what they wanted to do about when Robert is born, and they said they'd come up as soon as they're called (time permitting!! haha) to come and see him. Which made me wonder what Mum had in mind if Robert decides to come into the world at some lovely hour like 4am...

Anyway, Jonathan decided to surprise me last night as we got into bed... no, not in that way! Hehe! No, he told me as he had Friday off, he'd taken today off too! Which I'm really excited about, because it means he can come to the midwife for the first time since the booking appointment!! He hasn't heard Robert's heartbeat yet! It's today at 3pm, so plenty of time to save up my wee. And as it's 34 weeks, she might talk to us about home birthing protocol and stuff. I'm actually getting really excited about giving birth. I know not a lot of women say this, they are usually scared shitless, it's something they "have to go through" and "get it over and done with". I'm so happy I'm not in that mindset!

I'm also glad, I've had fairly good nights sleep the last couple of nights. I *think* I only got up once last night for a wee, which is great! :D Ended up having a long and strange dream, possibly connected to the fact I heard from a friend I'd not spoken to since school back in 1999 or so via Facebook last night.

But I think I'm getting a cold. I have had several coughing fits this morning while in bed (and laying horizontally always makes them feel worse), and then a bit later on, I sneezed. Now I don't work in the Nursery I'm pretty much ok for colds, and get them very rarely. I think for the three years I worked there, I had pretty much a constant cold to some degree or other, which I'm sure Alice will attest to from Arthur going to playgroup and coming home ill each time!! But I guess with around 130 different children coming into the Nursery each day, it wasn't surprising (65ish in the morning, and 65 in the afternoon).

Anyway, I'll leave off here, and probably update later after the midwife appointment. I'm looking forward to seeing how I'm measuring again, if I'm still bang on or if he's had a growth spurt, or what. :) And also seeing if he's still head down. If he is, he'll have been head down for at least 6 weeks! I think he is still head down, Im fairly sure I'm still feeling feet up by my ribcage. And punches furthur down, some of which have been quite violent and made me jump! Hehe. He did about 4 of those while I was at the in-laws, it kept making Betsy giggle. Ok, well I'll update in a few hours, keep well, hope your weekends were good!

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