Thursday, 9 October 2008

33 weeks 5 days - gross paranoid moment, slightly better sleep

I might have come up with a solution for my sleepless nights. Possibly. I still had a rather wakeful night last night, but after the last time I got up for a wee (was it 2? or 3? times), I went back to bed and instead of settling on my side, I laid on my back. I know I'm not supposed to be doing that, as it can cut off the blood supply to the baby, but also apparently you will be able to tell you should move long before that happens. But after that, I drifted off to sleep easily, and hell, I even DREAMED! (A weird one which included having to do up a house where all the floor boards were broken, half the rooms had no ceilings, and as such you could see through multiple floors. The bathroom being a mess, with the bath resting on a bed base (!!!) and generally loads of rubbish around. Dreamed that J and I would have to sleep on a make-do mattress on the floor on one of the newly floorboarded rooms. Nothing about the baby coming soon though, or me being pregnant)

Anyway, Robert's done several wriggles and squirms this morning to let me know that my sleeping on my back hasn't hurt him. Which I'm glad, not only for today, but also because yesterday I had a massive paranoid moment. I went to the toilet, wiped, and then stood up to flush, as soon as my hand let go of the flusher, I noticed in the bowl (Sorry!!!) that it was filled with a lot of black stuff. I didn't poo that time, I didn't remember pooing the last time and forgetting to flush, but I guess I must have done, but I was soo sososo paranoid at that moment that that black stuff (unusual colour for a start!!!) was actually a huge swirl of blood clot, or even (oh my gosh how stupidly paranoid of me to even entertain this - I would have felt it!!!) Robert's head covered in dark dark hair. But it flushed away easily so I concluded that the latter paranoid solution my brain had whisked up was stupid, but still I couldn't help but think something was wrong, so I sat down and wiped again, thinking if it was a blood clot there'd be some lingering evidence, which there wasn't. So in the end I put it down to some oddly coloured poo that I'd forgotten to flush away from the last time. And waited anxiously for Robert's movements. Which he has done several since.

I'm sorry for the grossness of this entry, but I felt I needed to document it. Don't know if it's just me or if a lot of pregnant women have these paranoid moments, but I know I can be a paranoid person at times. It's just in my nature, I seem to think the worst all the time. Like I think people think the worst of me, that way if they actually like me it's a surprise, and a nice one at that. And I dream up the worst senarios so that if they happen I'll be prepared. Or at least more prepared.

Right, well I should have said this earlier, but thank you, Becca for your comment on the last entry. I did need to hear that from someone else I think and well, it was just nice to hear it. xx

Anyway, gonna wrap this up for now again, it's another nice day outside so maybe another load of washing? (Gasp, go me!)

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