Friday, 21 March 2008

Yes, I AM pregnant!

Ok, ok, I could hardly sleep last night, and was practically wide awake for the sunrise this morning - went to the window and looked out and there it was! May well be the first time I've seen the sunrise :)

And yes, I know I was going to wait til Saturday to test again, but I had one open already, (to see if there was a trace of a line on the test before testing haha) and it was staring at me... so I did another test....

It was darker!!!! I could see the line even before the strip finished whitening! Still quite faint, but it IS darker! I can't quite believe it.... I am pregnant!!!! And it only took one and a half months of trying.... if you count last month, since we only started late in the cycle. So our first proper month's trying, and I fall pregnant straight away. I can't belieeeeve it! I thought it would take me AGES - between six months and a year at least. (Thank GOODNESS I didn't manage to persuade Jonathan to start trying before we found this place, last June...) But I am SO relieved... I have been so scared that we wouldn't be able to conceive... I guess though it might have helped that I'm in the most fertile age range - I'll be 25 in July.

Some things I noticed last night - tender breasts, a bit of cramping (not severe though), and... don't know whether this is a symptom or not - an itch, just inside my vagina. Happened several times during the night so I wasn't sure.

But yes, okay, go ahead and scream your congratulations hehe :) I'm properly convinced now because of that darker line. I will be FIVE WEEKS pregnant tomorrow!!! My due date will be 22nd November (counting 40 weeks on from 16th February - the first day of my last period). My nephew Ewan was born on the 28th November last year ;)

I suddenly feel scared, but so sooo excited... suddenly also feel a bit like Janice from Friends... "Oh..... My..... God!"

Oh, and new diary image :D

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