Monday, 24 March 2008

Telling the other third of the parents ;)

Quick note before my dad arrives in about half an hour - not that I think I'll be able to POST this before he comes - stupid instable mobile connections.. :(

But I took another of the cheapy tests, and was happy to see it was MUCH darker :)

Alice posted me a link about lifting during pregnancy - thank you! Although it's kinda a shame that I can't keep getting Jonathan to do all the vacuuming ;) Although he WILL still have to be the one to clean the cat litter tray.

I lay in bed last night and lifted up the covers over my tummy about 15 centimeters... woah, was freaky to see that someday, I will look like that in bed! I kept asking Jonathan yesterday "Will you still love me when I'm big and fat and full of baby?" He goes "of course! Will you still love me when I'm big and fat and full of pizza?" so I reply "Only if I'm full of pizza too!"

Jonathan was thinking of names to call the baby while its growing... here are some he came up with.... Bun, Spud, Sprout (hahaha - I said we couldn't really call it that because Matthew was called Sprout by Alice and Neil)... he might have mentioned one or two more, but I can't remember them now... I kinda liked Spud for some weird reason! Even though it's not really very cute. Was also thinking about "Little Boo" which I have called it a couple of times, hehe. Ah yeah, I remember the others, he was thinking about how my sister-in-law called hers Haggis, so he goes "we could call it black pudding" *rolls eyes* ;) So yeah, my favourite two contenders are Spud and Little Boo (or Lil' Boo) for the time being :)

I do keep thinking in my head about names... and I do, for a boy, keep thinking Robert Stephen. I love the name Robert. When I worked in the nursery, one of the little boys in my care was called Robert, and he was the MOST adorable little boy... so sweet and gentle, and sensitive... he had a few minor learning conditions, to do with speech mainly, but yeah... such a goooorgeous little boy! And the shortened versions are nice too - I like Rob, Robbie, and well, when he's an old man he can be called Bob ;) As for the middle name of Stephen - I know that the two Stephens in our families will be thrilled - my brother, and my father-in-law. I wish there was a female name that had the same weight in both families. Well, there is one that's the same in both families... but they're both distant relatives. I have a cousin called Claire, and Jonathan's dad's cousins have a daughter called Claire.. so that's Jonathan's.... third cousin I guess. But if I named our baby Claire (even as middle name), it would be like we were naming them after those people... and to be honest, they're not special enough to us to do that. So we would pick a "neutral" name, uncommon to either side, but had a nice meaning, or something. But we are thinking that we won't start thinking about names seriously until I'm 3 months along.

But anyway, I'd better go now, there's only 10 minutes until my dad and step-mother get here.. so I'd better wrap this up and get some socks on ;) The phone connection is still playing up, so this won't go up til tonight unfortunately :(

Edit: As I didn't get to post this as I wrote it, I'll write a bit more about how my dad and his wife reacted when I told them. :) They were predictable and yes, looked for wine as soon as we sat down hehe ;) I told them I wouldn't be having any, and to my surprise they didn't seem to wonder why, and just said "oh, well, we'll just get three glasses then rather than a bottle". Later on, I said "I must say, there is a reason why I'm not having any wine today... it's because you're going to have another grandchild!" Caroline started crying, awww :D Dad seemed chuffed. When they asked when I was due, they did a mock groan when I said the end of November hehe.. Dad said he was going to keep it quiet for a while because of my mum's threatened miscarriages, and Caroline seemed eager to want to tell her brother and parents, but I did ask Caroline to not tell her family straight away. I mean, I've known them since I was about 12, so they are like my own extended family, but extended family none-the-less, and in case things go wrong I would like it to be containable amongst only close friends and family.

After the meal, we went back to the house, and then as they left, they congratulated us both, and told Jonathan "Well done!" hehe! Quite funny really... As though they're saying "Well done for fertilising my daughter, good job!" Tickled us a bit, but yeah, I suppose "Well done!" on doing YOUR bit of the pregnancy so well ;) So yes, all grandparents happy it seems ;) Which is good heh ;) They gave us a bottle of champagne before the meal, which uhhh... I guess Jonathan will enjoy! ;) Or we save it for... god knows when I'll be able to drink alcohol again. :D

Anyway, thank you for the comments and notes, etc, and for reading. :) And for setting my mind at rest a bit about the lifting. Tomorrow I'll be registering at the local(ish) doctors surgery and hopefully making an appointment for this week sometime, so I'll be letting you know how it goes :)

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