Today I took a ClearBlue (non digital), and guess what?? I'm PREGNANT! (Oh wait, you already knew that, ah well, hehe :D )
I was thinking about the dates and timing etc of things, and although by simply LMP my due date is 22nd November, I think something weird definitely happened with my ovulation, since I was 33 days past and still only got a veeeeery faint line on the test - equivalent to Alice's 10 DPO test. Which would imply that maybe I ovulated around day 23 or... 10th March. Which was 4 days before we moved house. Which would actually put my due date at more like... 30th November/1st of December. Hmmm. Which might actually give a birth day of the same day as one of his Aunties! (My sister Helen, who my dad adopted, is my step-mother's daughter) 3rd of December.
It is a bit odd, since last month I had the delayed period, it might have done something odd to when I ovulated too... so it is a little weird.
Anyway, having some chats with Alice via notes hehe, she said that the first scan in this country isn't until 12 weeks! Yipes! That means I'd have to wait another 2 whole months for my surprise present idea for my parents, and means I wouldn't be able to talk to my mum about it at all... and today the perfect opportunity to tell them is presenting itself.. they're coming over to see the house, and then we're going out for a meal. And they're going to be here with Jonathan's parents, so it would be a really nice time to tell them I think - Jonathan's parents aren't grandparents yet, I think they'll really be thrilled... And my parents too of course, but they're already grandparents, so it's not going to be quite as big a deal. My dad's coming over with my step mother on Monday. We have to find a suitable restaurant for them, which is hard because we've not lived here very long :( (And my dad can be quite fussy with regards to restaurants - he turns his nose up at all chains basically, even the more upmarket ones like Beefeater, Harvesters etc)
But yeah, I am thinking of telling them today. And then I can give them a photo of the scan later when we get one.
Thank you, Meg, and Verity, and of course Alice for your looovely notes! I'm so excited that we do have a nice house, one that's great for us raising children, and yes, also so pleased it didn't take long! I guess with a "game plan" like "Lets have intercourse every other day whenever I'm not on my period" is a great way to ensure that whenever I ovulate BAM there's the sperm. ;)
Anyway, Jonathan's phone connection is playing up, so although I managed to get ONTO diaryland in the first place, it seems I may have trouble posting this before I have to get my hair dry and get dressed ready for the first batch of parents to arrive! ;) Ahhh, I'm so glad that the ClearBlue showed up so clearly! There's absolutely no doubt that I'm pregnant :) I just hope everything goes okay, and there are no complications!
I can't help wondering whether my little Boo is a boy or a girl.... I know it's already determined of course! Right now, it just seems so surreal - I don't FEEL pregnant yet, really. I mean, I have tender breasts, I seem to wee slightly more than usual, but apart from that, nothing. I guess it will become more real when I see the scan, or when I get more "typically" pregnant symptoms, and when I start to show. (which, I'm facing it, will be a LONG time, because I am very overweight.) I keep touching my belly (which already is round, and not because of the baby haha) and thinking "Wow!" I just find it sooo weird to think that I have the beginnings of a real HUMAN inside me.. it seems so early and amazing. Even now I talk about it and think "I'm pregnant" I don't think it's really sinking in. I don't really seem to realise properly that in EIGHT months, I will be holding a baby that Jonathan and I made. It's just such a weird concept. And I think Jonathan is the same - I don't think he properly comprehends that I'm pregnant either, same as I don't. I think that in a couple of months when we get the scan, it's going to hit us like a truck. Because, right now, my being pregnant is just a line on a little stick. In a couple of months, it will be a tiny person floating inside me, on a picture, and possibly hearing its heart beat.
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