Tuesday, 11 March 2008

3 days til the move

Three days until we move house!

We've been very busy packing, we have so many boxes it's hard to imagine how it all fit in this tiny place! A lot have been taken to the in-laws where they're holding stuff for us til we move, and a few boxes have gone to my mum's she came up to help us pack a few boxes and take stuff away.

We're over half way done (maybe almost 75% through) for 3 days solid packing (we started on Saturday). I thought I'd post now, since when we move we're going to be without the internet for a week or so, although there'll be lots to keep me occupied, all the unpacking! We had a huge stack of newspapers by the front door (the freebie ones that come) and we didn't bother to do anything with - they've come in extremely useful! (Used a lot of them while packing - when we unpack we're going to unearth a rain forest of scrunched up newspaper :S

I've kept some sanitary towels unpacked, for incase my period comes... If my cycle this month is 28 days (last month it was screwed up due to my stress) I'll be due around the 16th, so it'll be handy to have them easily accessible. I'm not really keeping watch for any "signs" that I might be pregnant this month. Just taking each day as it comes and seeing what happens.

If there's nothing significant happen I won't post here again before we move - in which case it could be almost 2 weeks before I post here again. Hope you're all well, and nice to see Mamabean's new bump growing!

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