Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Doctor registration, names, etc

Well, I phoned up the doctor's surgery today, it was about 2 miles away. I couldn't see a nearer one on the internet. But anyway, they asked where I lived and when I told them, they said I couldn't register with them, I had to register with the one in the village we're in.. Which was lucky! Because this one is in walking distance! :) Anyway, phoned the one in the village, and they said we had to come down to register. So I went down with some ID, proof of address etc. Filled out my own registration forms, and handed them in with the documents they needed. Then asked them if I could book an appointment, that I was about 5 weeks pregnant (well, my LMP is over 5 weeks away! And the sooner I can get my scan the better! ;) )

They said they didn't give appointments until 8 weeks, then I have to go and see the midwife with a urine sample, and it's about 45 minutes long this session and they'll go through what blood tests I need done, and when I get scans etc. So I have an appointment for the 15th April at 3.30. I don't know if Jonathan will be able to get the day or afternoon off work, or if I'll be going on my own. I don't really know what'll be happening then!

Now, symptom wise at the moment all I am feeling is tender breasts at night when I get undressed, unusual itches and sensitivity "down there" (not good ones, unfortunately haha!), I probably do wee slightly more than I did when I wasn't pregnant. Still no nausea or anything (but then I could be due for morning sickness any time from around Friday, to next Friday-ish). I do find myself being slightly more tired than I'm used to being... but part of me is thinking maybe I'm making this symptom up. Well, not making it up, but you know... I dunno, I'm still very early on, so maybe I'm just not SUPPOSED to be getting many symptoms yet.

I was so excited to read that Meg is having a baby boy. :) I think I would also like to know what gender Spud is (hehehehe) as soon as I can... I wish I had the internet during the day!!! I want to browse through looooots of names, just get a huge list of ones I like. I already have a fairly large list, but I didn't go through any of the "neutral" names, like Ashley, Leslie, etc. There are such a lovely lot of girls names, and they sound SOOO cute with our surname! And what's also funny is that one of the names on my "shortlist" for girls is Megan! ;) There are three somewhat unusual names on my "girls" shortlist... Brynna, Imogen, and Kerryn. By shortlist, at the moment, I mean a list of 25 names :) For the girls, they could be middle and first name candidates.

On the girls short list at the moment, my favourites I've put down are Amber, Brynna, Chloe, Kerryn, Megan, Michelle. Unfortunately, even though I do like the name Helen, we can't use it in a girls name at all, since there is a famous actress Helen with our surname. ;) But also, another reason is that I'm reluctant to name a baby after a close relative where there isn't a similar counter-part in the other family. ALSO with this baby due so close to ANOTHER Helen's birthday.... it wouldn't be a good idea hehe :)

There has been a tradition in the family lately to use the parents names as the middle name for the child. eg, I am Nicola Yvonne, my mum's name is Yvonne Marie, my nan's name is Marie... something ;) Likewise, my brother is Stephen Clive, my dad is Clive William Bernard, my grandad I believe, was William. But, to me, Nicola is NOT a good middle name. it's too long... no girls names seem to sound "right" with it. "Megan Nicola" "Chloe Nicola" "Elizabeth Nicola" nooo.. nothing at all... So we would be using another neutral name to be the middle name if it's a girl. I think also Jonathan is a bit of a mouthful for a middle name. Besides, as I've already said, we already have the perfect candidate for a middle name for a baby boy :)

For boys names, on my shortlist I have also 25 names (for the moment), but if we want the middle name as Stephen, we'd probably have to take out the names that have an "en" or "on" or "an" ending. So we could have Elliot Stephen, Robert Stephen, Thomas Stephen, Malcolm Stephen, or Oliver Stephen. "Aaron Stephen" or "Darren Stephen" could sound a little odd.

It would be nice to have names that are slightly unusual, but nothing as stupid as "Moon Unit" or "Peaches" etc, or as chavvy as "Chardonnay" or "Mercedes". That's why I guess I'm looking at Brynna and Kerryn and thinking "hmm... maybe...." The only thing with that I suppose is that they probably will have to be spelling their names to people for a long time... But is that preferable to being one of two or more in their class with the same name? (Coming from the girl who was known throughout her primary school life as "Nicola Br" - not only was there another 2 Nicolas, but one was also another Nicola B, she was Nicola B, I was Nicola Br. :( Then there was the Nicola S)

Something to think about anyway... And there's plenty of time for that! I still can't believe I'm actually pregnant. That inside me right now is a tiny embryo that over the next 8 months will grow into an actual human being... my first baby. I'm so GLAD that I am pregnant. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to, that Jonathan or I would be infertile, that it would take years... I just hope that I'll be fine, that this baby will be happy, and healthy, and safe inside me... And that when it comes out, we'll be able to give it all the love and care it needs.

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