Friday, 23 April 2010

16 weeks 1 day - thoughts on BF

Yesterday, for the first time in MONTHS (seriously, longer than I remember) Robert asked me during the day to breastfeed. So I let him! I was out in the garden, lying on our picnic blanket, and hey, people might have been looking out of their windows but so what ;) I think apart from just before bedtime, I will not offer Robert milk, but if he wants some he can have it. I offer just before bedtime as I think it does help calm him down. This morning he was so busy he didn't have any milk like he usually does! Jonathan usually puts him on the bed and the first thing Robert usually does is grab the duvet covers and yank it down for some breakfast! ;) But not this morning, he came in with a teddy and was so intent on that, and on grinning at himself in the mirror that he forgot all about it ;)

I saw a page on facebook, with some witty comments in responce to rude questions regarding breastfeeding, some of which were quite thought provoking. Like the comment that "when he's old enough to ask for it, then he's too old for it" the reply to that was something like "Well I took my son at 3 days old, turning his head and opening his mouth wide as asking for it, are you suggesting I should have weaned him then?" And things like "he doesn't need to breastfeed at this age" I agree that breastfeeding is not "needed" in the sense that he will get the majority of his nutrition from other food, but there's no denying that breastfeeding does give some nutrition still. For example, we don't NEED to eat an apple, because we can survive on other foods, but that apple is still good for us, so why refuse ourselves to eat this apple on that basis? It is mainly stigma, one that I'm still not crystal clear on my opinion surrounding the whole carrying on breastfeeding for years and years thing.

But one thing - that today Robert is 17 months old. He has been breastfed (almost) every day for 17 whole months, something which is no mean feat! I know others have done it for longer, but every month for each mother is a huge achievement :)

Anyway, basically I'm carrying on - for as long as I can bear it! And I am so hoping to be able to tandem feed. Rather selfishly I suppose - but I feel that with two nurslings, it will be even easier for me to lose weight as long as I am very sensible with my eating and making sure not to get too many takeaways, to try and cram the freezer full of healthy homecooked food for quick meals! Seeing some recent pictures of me full length I feel disgusted, I don't look pregnant, I look FAT. I am so hoping to be able to lose at least 3 stone in the year after Squidge is born, and by the time Squidge is 2, to be down to my ideal weight.

Oh, other news. Robert has given himself a fat lip. He tripped over Jonathan's foot and bit himself. BOY can lips bleed!!! It's not lovely and raised over the cut, and a lovely purple colour. Luckily he was ok after a few minutes. But yet another cut to sport, along with the graze near his hairline when he fell out of the house (out of the french doors, not an upstairs window or something haha!). Boys... they do get into a lot of mischief!

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