Monday, 5 April 2010

13 weeks 4 days - movements??!!

Well I am now definitely into the 2nd trimester, pretty much by any definition people or websites have ;)

Now with Robert I felt him move at 15 weeks roughly. For the last few days I have been pretty sure I've felt Squidge.... not 100% but maybe 85-90%. I know it's pretty early, as I was only just 13 weeks, but these times they have not been followed shortly after by farts! ;) I am hoping it won't be long before I know 100% that they are my little Squidge kicking away in there :) I was watching telly just half an hour ago or so, and I just suddenly felt something, even though my attention wasn't on feeling it, I think that was little Squidge.

I have no idea whether Squidge is a he or a she. Although I am tending to say and think "he" but whether that's because I'm used to saying "he" with a child of mine I don't know ;)

Oh something else probably regarding the pregnancy. Today, I have had the most disconcerting and uncomfortable tingly pains that are quite regular coming into my right nipple. I wonder if it has anything to do with my milk supply maybe diminishing due to pregnancy. I hand expressed a drop or two, and (sorry for TMI) it was white, but seemed slightly sticky. But after I expressed it, the tingling pain stopped... any opinions on that from people in the know? lol

Anyway, onto Robert news. He's been quite poorly for a while now, had a cough for almost a week, although it does seem to be lessening a bit now. The cough was sometimes so violent he'd make himself sick - he's been sick probably about 4 or 5 times to varying degrees over the last few days, although not today thank goodness. Only once was it really bad, the other times were just a small amount or a tiny dribble. I gagged away like crazy with the bad one, I couldn't physically stay to help clean up so went upstairs to run his bath. And then Jonathan brought Robert up with all his sicky clothes still on, so cue more gagging. I've felt a little bit on edge to be honest over the last few days. That bad sick incident I treated Jonathan horribly, I feel so bad about it, but I've also been very short on temper with Robert and not been as calm and loving towards my poorly child as I would have liked.

I have occasionally been thinking to myself that I just don't see an end... it sounds weird, I don't feel depressed really in any way but occasionally I just think oh no, now 5 days looking after Robert on my own... and then the weekend, and then we start all over again. I feel like there's no major "things" to look forward to like each week is just another week and then there's a week after that, then one after that, etc etc. Which sounds stupid because I'm pregnant! I have so many major things to look forward to! Big solid kicks, hearing heartbeat, scan, welcoming baby, and with Robert, his new achievements day by day.

I feel that Robert is verrrrry close to talking now. I think it could be within a couple of weeks that he says his first proper meaningful word. No I'm not classing "dadadadadada" or "mamamamama" as his first word! (and I don't know why but it bugs me when people class their 5 month old baby's "first word" as such!!!) He is babbling in a much more conversational way, every day seems to make his babbling more talk-like. And today in fact he babbled in such a way I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him, wondering if he had in fact said something! He hadn't though I'm pretty sure, he just joined some sounds together into a word-like sound rather than the normal rarararara type thing!

I hope I have the patience to give him this week! After a brief energy spurt I now feel tired again which can't be helping matters! Anyway, I'm off for a shower now and then going to jump into bed. I've not had a lot of sleep lately, what with Robert waking up and coughing. I wake too it seems, then Jonathan snores and wheezes beside me so I dont get back to sleep for hours!! argh! But luckily my nightly visits to the toilet have lessened, I've not actually had a nighttime trip for a few days now which I'm glad about! :)

I hope you all had a fab easter weekend. x


  1. Oooh how exciting! I bet it is movements you're feeling; I felt my two that early, and definitely felt my second earlier than my first!

    Sorry you're feeling down, but be gentle on yourself... a poorly baby and a tiring pregnancy are bound to have that effect. You'll feel better soon I promise as that second trimester energy kicks in and Robert gets better.

    Hope the poor sicky boy is fully back to himself soon xxxxx

  2. That would be awesome if you were feeling movement early! I really hope we get to be pregnant at the same time, that would be lovely! I am not sure what to think about this cycle.... I guess I'll know in a few days though.
    Hope you are feeling better soon and that Robert is as well too.
