Sunday, 18 April 2010

15 weeks 3 days - urgh

Well... since last week sometime, my boobs have been SO SORE. Well, actually not as sore as that is making out to be, but I have definitely started with the sore boobs, finally. With Robert I got them early on - before 6 weeks pregnant definitely, this time it's super duper late! I don't know if breastfeeding has had any affect on this, but now it is SO sore to nurse Robert. Sometimes it's sore just by him nursing nicely, when he's not fidgetty, but it's awful when he's climbing all over me, digging his elbow and chin into my boob while he's feeding. And sometimes when he latches on, I find myself holding my breath waiting for that stab of pain. Just OWW OWW! I've had to stop him practically every time in the last few days. And I didn't nurse him before bed tonight, I couldn't really face the thought of it. He is usually quite unsettled for his nighttime feeds, although occasionally he will just lay still and nicely. But it's his HANDS that just go overtime at night, pinching squeezing tweaking poking. Or grabbing for my ears (latest obsession!!! grabs one ear, and then pushes my face the other way with his hand and grabs the other!) So anyway yeah he went without his bedtime milk. Not that I'm even sure how much I have left right now!! lol! I will let him try again in the morning but I think I may actually wean him before Squidge is born :( However... if he wants to continue after Squidge arrives I will let him!

I have been feeling some definite Squidge pops lately in my belly :) Although being a busy mum I don't notice them every day, and sometimes it is still hard to tell if it's wind or not lol. As I'm laying in bed I can feel my uterus right there, sometimes my belly feels hard almost up to my belly button which is a bit big really, I'm guessing maybe it's pushing up something as well? I don't really know, it seems to move depending on the day lol :) But it's lovely how I know Squidge is definitely growing in there :) And nice to know that in a couple of weeks I'll be feeling Squidge soooo often :)

I just can't believe how I still don't have any idea in my mind as to whether Squidge is a boy or a girl! I sometimes find myself playing the scene of when we find out Squidge's sex in my mind, sometimes thinking to myself "it's a baby girl!" and sometimes "it's a boy!" but neither sticks out to me, I am just so completely unsure! I don't believe that the old wives tale of different/similar pregnancies has any meaning regarding the sex. Some women swear by it, claiming that their pregnancy with their son was completely different to their daughter's and some people with multiple of one gender report remarkably similar pregnancies. But others also say that their same sex children had completely different pregnancies or vice versa, their different gender pregnancies were so similar they were convinced they were having another boy/girl whatever. So far in the way that I've had no morning sickness it's similar to Robert's pregnancy. But the boobs are different! I've been so busy with Robert so it's hard to compare everything anyway as I was able to relax with Robert but not so much with this one! I've asked Jonathan if he would mind not finding out the sex, and he has agreed that if that's what I want he'll do it :) Although he did say "can I find out and you not find out?" And well I don't like the idea of that because he's bound to slip up, besides then the temptation to know would be so great, and well, I just wouldn't be happy with it. Everyone would know but me and that's just not right is it!! Plus, it would take away from that special moment just after the birth when he would tell me. I can always change my mind but I really hope I can stick to it because I would so love the surprise!

Names are still non-existant. Jonathan though said to me "I thought we had a girls name?" er... what? "you know, you showed me that list and I told you which one I liked." errr yeah but that's not a joint decision by any means! Argh! Plus, he STILL hasn't looked up names. It's always on me to remind him and remind him and remind him to do ANYTHING like that. I wanted him to read that Children are from Heaven book but it is just that I have to say to him EVERY DAY to go and read some, and then it's sort of like I have to bargain with him to go and do it. Ie, give him free time when I'm looking after Robert so he does it. Because he won't do it during the evening, or during Robert's naps. So I sort of give up. I want him to know the reasoning behind things and not just get me to try and remember everything and say in my version of recollection what the book says, when he can just read it himself! I guess it's just something, along with names, that'll get done eventually. With names I guess if he doesn't get his finger out I'll get my way with names in the end :P

1 comment:

  1. So totally hear you on the husband-not-reading-books-that-I'm-longing-for-him-to-read thing! ;) One tip from a wifey who has BTDT for MANY years now - the nagging will a) not work, and b) make things worse. I tried not to nag about stuff I felt was VITAL that Neil read to be on board with me about (like discipline, pregnancy, etc - he does not read any books really, and none of the above certainly!), and then when my doula asked him so so nicely to read "Spiritual Childbirth" as it was important that he be clued up on that stuff to best support me, I was really pleased because I was sure he'd do it (he said he would!) when somebody else had asked him instead of me! But he never did. And that's when I realised I had to let go of it and lower my expectations. It bugs me to have to recount all the important stuff I'm learning in books that we jointly need to know, but I'm learning to be cheerful in it. I bought him a CD version of a book on discipline that I REALLY want him to read, and he's pleased to have that as it's easier for him to take in that way (hasn't listened to it yet, but it's there if he gets chance). The biggest effect that nagging him to read stuff had for me was just to build my resentment up, and not much else happened. So if you can (and I know it's hard!) just presume he won't read it (then it'll be a nice bonus if he does, lol!) and plan from there what to do next. Take my word for it, nagging husbands does not work! ;)

    I'm sorry you've finally got the sore boobs! I found it excruciating to breastfeed at certain times in my pregnancies. One thing I will say is that it only lasts a while - it isn't here to stay. Sometimes it would last a week, other times a couple of months, but it was never a long-term thing. I would grit my teeth and let whichever nursling take 10 sucks and then say Mummy's breasties (Arthur called them that, lol!) were a bit sore and tired today, so they were going to sleep now and that was the end of the feed.

    Also (sorry this is getting so long!), with Arthur I had sore breasts early on, and with the others it was much later that it really kicked in, and with size change too. They got smaller instead of bigger, lol, and then didn't catch up till the 3rd trimester, which was very different than with Arthur. The breastfeeding forums I was on at the time said it was because I was still breastfeeding.

    Sooooo lovely to feel little pops from Squidge!! :) I can't wait for that!
