Sunday, 11 April 2010

14 weeks 4 days - lovely weather

To be honest it's pretty easy right now to forget that I am pregnant. Movements aren't great and I can't feel them really unless I look out for them. This is a little worrying but hey, there's nothing I can really do about it so I just have to wait. I just "am". If that makes sense!

Yesterday we had some lovely weather. We made the most of it by going for a picnic in Twywell Hills and Dales, the same place as this photo was taken:

We ate some sandwiches and fruit, and Robert chased after some bubbles we brought with us :)

Then we went for a short walk as it was nearly time for young man's nap, but he loved looking at all the plants, rocks, sticks, molehills...

And giving Daddy waves! Robert does PROPER waves now rather than just clenching and unclenching his fist he actually waves his hand and looks at it in awe! :D

We finished off the day beautifully with a barbecue after Robert's nap, and he really enjoyed playing in the garden for ages while the barbecue was getting ready and then the food cooking. Last year's barbecues were a lot less stressful as he stayed more or less in one place! Yesterday we had to baracade off the barbecue with all the garden chairs to stop the little monkey getting close to it!

But he enjoyed climbing up onto the one spare chair that wasn't being used as baracades, going down his slide, walking along the pebbles on the outskirts of the garden, and generally being a silly boy! :)

We had a lovely time yesterday! I hope you all did too!

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