Unfortunately Robert came down quite I'll on Wednesday. He had a bad cough and was very tired most of the day. He had two naps, one from 10am til 12pm, and then another from 2pm til 4pm. He doesn't usually have any naps unless he's had a busy day and then he might fall asleep in the car.
That night was horrible. He woke up so much whimpering and screaming for us, I went into him 4 or 5 times, for him to simply fall back to sleep with a word or two, I tried to get him to take some calpol but he kept just falling back to sleep. Jonathan got up to him about 7 times.
I had a doctor appointment on Thursday morning for Christopher anyway for the red patches around his mouth he's had for ages, so mentioned Robert to her and she agreed to look "quickly". She took his temp (fine), took a look in his ears (fine), then looked in his mouth and when she'd finished, said "well he has tonsillitis!" very matter of factly, and prescribed him some anti biotics which she said would speed up recovery by about a day.
What it has meant is that we've had to cancel our Easter weekend plans. We were going to go and see Alice on Friday, then on to Kent to see my parents. Due to my brother and his kids being there too, meant I couldn't have gone down to Kent today instead because tonsillitis is contagious. Otherwise we could have maybe gone down if Robert had been up for it, and maybe seen Alice on Monday instead if everyone was well enough.
This weekend thus far is feeling decidedly dull, but it's not to be helped.
Maybe I'll get some good news next week to make up for the disappointment.
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