As such, for the first time in AGES, I can update WITH PHOTOS FROM TODAY!!! :)
Poor Christopher isn't very well at all, and hasn't been well all day. He's had the odd cold every now and then, but he's never had a vomitting bug, and not really had a prolongued raised temperature. Luckily he's not vomitted yet, but he's had a raised temperature all day. First one was an under arm reading of 37.3 celcius or 99.2 or so farenheit underarm. His highest reading (from just after getting home from going out for a meal (yes I know, somewhat crazy, what with a poorly baby and the SNOW, but it was a special occasion, MIL's birthday meal) was over 102 farenheit (39 celcius). Since getting home he's been stripped to his vest, dosed up with calpol and given as much milk or cold water/squash as he'll tolerate. He didn't eat much solid lunch.
Anyway, since we woke up and it had SNOWED overnight, giving us a generous 3 inches or so, after breakfast, we bundled the boys up and let them play in the snow. Robert was SOO excited about the snow!! He went downstairs first, while we finished getting dressed and then we brought Christopher down. When Jonathan got downstairs, he found Robert trying to unlock the doors using the Yaris car key ;) While still wearing pyjamas of course haha! And no socks let alone shoes!
As soon as Robert got out, which amazingly was before 9 o'clock (not sure when but after a lengthy play outside we were all back inside before 9.15!), he had great fun simply RUNNING around in the snow, making footprints :)
Christopher however, had managed to fall over in the snow a few times before he got the hang of walking on such odd terrain, and when I managed to get hold of the camera. He seemed quite bemused by it!
After a while, Christopher got a bit fed up with the snow, and not blaming him, my toes were getting cold, and he was a little poorly too. So I held him for most of the rest of the snow fun. :) Robert by this point was busy scooping the snow off all the elevated objects. The slides had the first clean, and the swing, the sandpit cover, the table, and even the BBQ! Jonathan started to build snowmen, which Robert loved, and I went inside (with Christopher, who started whinging when I put him down) to get some carrots and raisins, which Robert insisted he wanted for the eyes (which unfortunately didn't work well).
Robert and Christopher both loved playing with the carrots, Christopher took them out of the snowmen, (I guess bright orange things sticking out were too tempting!!) and Robert moaned a bit at Christopher before he decided that the carrots would look better sticking out of one snowman as arms!
Before long, the two snowmen got demolished, so Jonathan and Robert (Christopher and I had gone inside by this point) made a very very tall snowman (or a pillar with eyes and a nose) which I reckon stood about 6 foot high, it wasn't quite as tall as Jonathan!
Robert has had several experiences of snow now, at least 3, possibly 4, whereas this was Christopher's first snow, so I had to let him have a go too!
The boys both had a nap today, Christopher a few fairly decent length ones, not surprisingly as he has been unwell, but also Robert, who fell asleep nursing again, I suppose not too surprisingly as he'd had a busy day!
After being dosed up and dressed in a sleepsuit only, no vest and not covered, Christopher's underarm temperature was completely normal when I tested it a little while ago after he woke up. So here's hoping he is on the mend!
Love all the pics and the snowmen! I hope Christopher is feeling better soon, poor thing! Can't believe how much snow you got.