I am SO thankful for my friendship with Sarah. I cannot get over how alike we are in so many ways, and amazed at how well we gel. We could literally spend hours with each other talking about anything and everything, and we text each other every day! And it's sooo great that we are going through pregnancy together too. She is now feeling "Boo" kick, and I so can't wait for that part too! I felt Robert kick at 15 weeks, and I'm now nearly 13. I might feel it sooner this time, but I do hope to feel it at 15 weeks by the latest. So only 2 weeks to wait before I feel Squidge kick! Fingers crossed! A few days ago I was sitting still, concentrating on feeling what was going on, and I thought I felt a few little bubbles, and got all excited, but then a few seconds later I farted LOL. So obviously just wind bubbling down through my intestines lol.
I had a lovely day yesterday. I woke up feeling quite tired, well very tired actually. Jonathan came to bed the night before and we had some couple time, which was nice, but unfortunately it woke me up fully and then he fell asleep and started snoring and wheezing away so I couldn't fall asleep! Argh! So I was knackered come morning time. I asked Jonathan if he'd mind taking Robert to his parents to give me a lie in and so I could get things done, and he did. I had a dressing gown on and got Robert dressed, went downstairs to get his jacket on, then Jonathan asked Robert to give me a kiss, and up toddles Robert to me eagerly, gives me a kiss, and then he walks out after Jonathan. It just felt so weird but nice, seeing Robert walk off like that, like he was growing up so fast. The surge of love I got at that moment was indescribable.
I went back to bed, and had an extra hour and a half sleep. It was lovely! Then I got up and was about to get dressed when I thought I should probably have a shower as I had a morning to myself, I prefer to shower in the mornings as my hair can dry better rather than being all scrunched up on the pillow at night. I had washed myself, shaved, and lathered up my hair, then I started rinsing it out when I suddenly came over feeling sick and had to go down on all fours in the shower to ease the feeling. I wretched a couple of times but I wasn't sick. I managed to just about finish rinsing my hair (had to leave the conditioner) and I got out, hurriedly dried myself and put on a dressing gown, and wrapped up my hair, went downstairs and got breakfast. I should really have got breakfast before my shower, as it was already gone 10.30. But luckily it was all ok.
Watched some Stargate Atlantis leisurely while eating breakfast, and then got dressed. Played a bit of computer game, and then I started to get things done around the house so I caught up with washing up (there was a huge pile from Sunday where we had the in-laws over for Sunday lunch), and I also changed the bedsheets (looooooong overdue) and sorted out the rubbish bins. Jonathan's parents came over 15 minutes earlier than normal for a Tuesday (they had a tired boy to deal with!) and as soon as he got back I put him up in his cot, where he was laying for quite a long time moaning, then some louder cries, then soft moaning again before he finally fell asleep. FIL and I went out shopping, and when we got back, Robert was still asleep! I enjoyed the roast so much on Sunday I bought two more lamb joints as they were half price in tesco. Shame I didn't see the offer last week! I spent £11 on half a leg of lamb then, and yesterday I spent £7.50 on a WHOLE leg of lamb!
Squidge is definitely wanting meat lately. I just soooooo want to roast a leg of lamb today just so I can pick at lamb all day! Just lamb on its own! Yum! And I still have 2 packs of bacon in the fridge, got lots of ham, and in fact I'm thinking about sausage and mash tonight!
Something else I really want to get done is my belly gallery. I took a photo early in pregnancy but it was a different place to the last belly gallery as the lense on Jonathan's new camera wouldn't take photos that close up, so I'm tempted to use the same camera I used for the last one, in the same place. I didn't really see any difference until 18+ weeks anyway so if I take my first proper one tomorrow that should be ok. If I get a third pregnancy I will be taking them more regularly as I WILL be at a healthy weight range by then and I should hopefully be showing more early! :)
Anyway, I've got a few photos for you of my little gorgeous man.
I absolutely adore this photo of Robert. His eyes look so soulful!
I used it in a graphic I did, brightened it up, smoothed it out, and brought out the colours in his eyes and made all but his eyes black and white, and I looooove it!
I just love him so much!
But since that photo was taken, I have given him his FOURTH haircut! At 16 months old, that's roughly one every 4 months!! lol! I'm pleased with this last haircut, it looks good and I think I must be getting used to it hehe! I will show you another time once my darling husband gets around to downloading them from the camera, editting them to make them brighter and then uploading them. The hair on top is slightly longer than the sides and back :D Although he has this weird thing on his scalp which makes his hair lie funny, so even though I cut all the hair ontop of his head to the same length, there is always a bit off to one side that looks like it's longer than the other side!!! Oh I love him so much. I find it so hard to believe that anyone else can get the same amount of love as what I give him but I guess that Squidge will.. it just seems so weird because Robert is already here!