Tuesday, 2 March 2010

8 weeks 6 days - oh no...

Arrival of morning sickness. This morning I felt... SICK. It even got to the point where I was wretching just from standing up, and running to the bathroom just incase. I've not been but I've gagged loads and Jonathan's even thought I might just throw up then and there because of it. I never had this with Robert, I just felt ever so slightly queasy first thing in the morning.

Today I asked Jonathan to go and make me a cup of tea because that helped my queasiness with Robert, but it didn't work straight away, in fact sitting up to drink it made it worse. But I'm feeling a little better now having drunk it all.

I even gagged while changing Robert's (wet) nappy. Just the smell of the urine was enough to make me gag.

As of writing, I've still not received my scan date. Although it might come with the post today. I will update if it does, but I'm not holding out a huge amount of hope. For now I'm just going to try and eat breakfast and hope I can keep it down.

Edit at 6.23pm:

I was sick just before midday. :( It's strange but even though the sicky feeling wasn't as bad as it was before, I just seemed to know I was going to actually be sick and ran to the loo. I felt better for about 10-15 minutes afterwards, so I did the washing up while Robert ate his lunch (I didn't eat anything) in the kitchen, but then afterwards I started feeling bad again :( I had a nap with Robert, and when we woke up, I felt really bad again. I've not been sick again though, but I've had 1 slice of dry toast and some drinks. I still feel sick/hungry but don't really feel like eating :( Oh. And I'm still waiting for my scan appointment. If it hasn't shown up by Thursday lunchtime I shall ring the midwife and see if she can chase it up. If it's her I chase it up with? Or should I find the number for the hospital scan department?

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