Robert is having a mid-morning nap, still in his car seat, so I can finally update about my weekend! I've been dying to since we got back around 7pm last night, but first the photos needed uploading (I wanted to wait til I could post photos til I updated!), and then it was too late to stay up and do it, and then this morning was stay and play at Surestart, so finally we're back, and he's asleep!
My weekend down in Kent was FAB. Fab fab fab. I had such a good time! We went down on Saturday morning - left around 8.30am, but we had to double back because we forgot the travel cot, and then Robert woke and was grizzly for a while so we had to stop and feed him, then change him in the car. We were off to a restaurant with my Mum, Dave (her partner), my Nan, my brother Stephen, Nicky his wife, and my nephew Ewan. We ended up getting to Kent a lot later than we thought so we went straight to the restaurant. They put two highchairs out, but it turned out that even padded out, Robert was too little for the highchair, so he had to be cuddled by someone the whole time! I had some ribs and chips, already separated so it turned out to be good one-handed finger food! ;)
He was sooo much more interested in Ewan this time compared to last time they saw each other (when Robert was about 10 weeks old - he slept during most of their visit!) and stared at him with interest quite often!
Ewan held Robert's hand very sweetly, he's since learned what "gentle" is which is good!! What was quite funny though was Robert trying to get Ewan's hand in his mouth! Hehehe!
After the meal, we held Robert up near Ewan, and Ewan was asked to give Robert a little hug, which he did!
It was sooo cute, but unfortunately it proved a little too traumatic for Robert who instantly burst into tears!
I brought a bottle and some frozen milk to the restaurant with us so if he needed feeding we could do it easily there, and we let my Mum give it to him when he got hungry, which she quite enjoyed!
We got the waitress to do a full group shot in the restaurant.
From left to right it's Nicky, Stephen and Ewan, Mum, Nan, Jonathan and Robert, Me, and Dave.
After the meal we went back to my Mum's - she still hasn't moved house yet but she's hoping to soon. Ewan had great fun running through the house, and in particular, going up to the bin, banging the lid repeatedly saying "Bi! Bi!" Here he is doing some drawing (apparently they never taught him how to hold pens and pencils, but he's got a pretty good hold!)
Oh and here's a new idea to keep Robert out of mischief!
Hehehe. :)
We headed over to my Dad's that evening after dinner because Stephen and Nicky were staying at Mum's. The next day they joined us over at Dad's, and Robert got his second Easter present.
He seemed to enjoy it!
Here's Robert looking a little happier about contact with Ewan! Next year I'm sure they'll be partners in crime!
He had lots of cuddles with various people: Tim and Jenny, two of Caroline's brother's 3 kids (the third being Jenny's twin Samantha), Pat (Caroline's Mum), Caroline (my step mum), and my friend Rachel from school who came over for lunch yesterday with her boyfriend Chris.
Of all the three kids, Tim was most into Robert which I was surprised at, although Jenny did seem to like him too. Sam wasn't very interested at all - but then he didn't really do much and I think she much preferred Ewan who could run around and play easier than Robert could!
Tim had great fun pushing Robert around in an old Safeway crate that was lying around. It was perfect baby size!
Yesterday was pretty much a lazy morning and afternoon. The morning was spent (by Robert) eating, sleeping, wrestling bunnies, and scoffing banana.
Monday afternoon was spent eating a nice lunch that I mainly prepared, and catching up with Rachel who I hadn't seen since 1999!
It was a lovely lovely weekend! The best bit was that we got to spend more or less two whole days with Stephen Nicky and Ewan so the boys got used to each other a bit more!
I hope you all had as good an easter as I did!
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