Friday, 17 April 2009

4 months 3 weeks ish - broody, weight loss, growing boy!

Boy am I getting broody! Why?? My little boy isn't even 5 months old yet and I'm itching to get pregnant again! At the same time though I am sure that I want to lose weight before getting pregnant again. I reckon I gained at LEAST 50lbs from Robert's pregnancy, possibly more. I have lost 10lb since January (7lb of that in the last 3 weeks), and still have another 20lb to go before I get to my pre-pregnancy weight.

Even though I have such a large weightloss to go ahead of me (10lb down, 60-ish to go) it still seems do-able. If I manage on average 2lb lost a week, it should be around 30 more weeks til I hit my goal weight, so hopefully before Christmas. Which would mean we could start trying again for another baby then? ;) A 2 year age gap seems lovely to me at the moment. Me and my brother were almost 3 years apart, and I'm sure a 2 year age gap for Robert and his brother (I'm fairly sure I'll have another boy haha) seems nice. I don't know why but in my head I just keep thinking "3 babies" would be nice. I'm sure I could eak Jonathan up to 3!

Anyway I've just settled Robert down for a nap. He started fussing as soon as I took him off the breast (he was falling asleep on it), I put him in his cot, put a muslin up by his face, and he wrapped his arms around it, held it to his face himself, and then fell asleep! We've been doing that for a while, so hopefully we can just make sure there's one with him and he'll go off to sleep without needing a boob! And a muslin is washable and easily replacable ;)

I don't know why but I just feel so happy, so content, and the issues I had a few months ago just seem like a million years ago! I haven't been rough at ALL with Robert for several weeks, and when I was, it was ONE small incident, and even then not as rough as I used to be, and that was the first time in weeks also!

I am so loving being a Mummy! On the forums I visit, someone had started a thread where they asked people to post pictures of their babies at birth and now, and I immediately set forth to find some, and it's just amazing seeing the two photos one on top of the other! It's lovely to see that yes, he HAS grown!

Taken when Robert was about 6 days old.

Taken last week, at around 4.5 months old.

I can't believe that that vest he's wearing in the first photo was a newborn vest and it's loose on him! Now his 3-6 month clothes are getting snugger on him, we're almost ready to get him in 6-9 month clothes!!

It's lovely to see him grow, progress, learn new things! And also to see him get cuter as time goes on! He is soooo gorgeous! And I know I'm biassed, but I feel like the luckiest Mummy in the world :) When I get his clothes off for his baths and he's laying there with just a nappy on I just can't help but kiss him all over his chest, arms, legs on his soft soft skin. I love smelling him too! His hair just after a bath! Ahhh I'm going all gooey! Lol!

Yesterday he was grumpy pretty much all day, nothing really seemed to cheer him up completely. But I just plodded on! And today so far he's been lovely! Nice and cheerful! He's peed and pood with his nappy off for Daddy, so he then had a bath, and then he went on his playmat for a while, and then he went in his door bouncer while Mummy had TWO large cups of tea (lol), and then he played on Babysmash for a while, and then he had a story, and then he had some milk, and now he's having a nap!

This afternoon he has Rhyme Time at the library, and then we'll see :)

I can't believe my little man will be FIVE months old in less than a week! Where has time flown? I hope you're all okay, I'd better go and prepare myself some lunch before Robert wakes up - unless I just grab another bowl of cereal!

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