Monday, 6 April 2009

19 weeks old - broodiness (!) and sleep

Hmmm. Call me crazy but yesterday I was in the car coming home from a local country park (yes another one lol!) and I suddenly became overwhelmed with broody thoughts! I didn't mention anything to Jonathan, because for one I don't know exactly how I feel and two, I know what he'd say anyway!

It's silly because I know I want to wait a while, to enjoy Robert's babyhood without having to worry about pregnancy, being tired, etc. Plus I want to lose the weight so it's not as taxing on my body. But I was just thinking of a new little baby to snuggle, and Robert is getting so big every day! Plus, him being 10lbs when he was born means that I never have had a "little" baby! He's just such a heffalump! Hehe! I was thinking if I miraculously was pregnant (Virgin Mary style haha!) then I would welcome it with open arms!

I've always been of the mindset that there would be at least 2 years between our children, but suddenly I was thinking what if it was a shorter gap? It's going to be a play-by-ear matter either way, and however broody I am I really don't want to get pregnant just yet - I know I've just contradicted myself there, because I just said I would welcome it with open arms - and I would, but the ideal timing wouldn't be now. If that makes sense! Jonathan thinks this is completely stupid, but I have a feeling my next child will be a boy as well. I don't know for sure either way of course, but time will tell! I am finding myself wondering about names!!! Even now! Crazy woman!

Anyway, onto more mundane news, Robert has picked up some bad night-time habits, due to us being lazy. I can't remember the last time he did his usual 2-long sleep stints overnight. Instead he seems to wake up at least 4 times nightly, moreso now we're putting him down to bed between 6.30 and 8pm rather than the usual 10-12! But last night, we attempted to correct it. Lately, he's just been coming into bed with us whenever he starts whinging, and comfort feeding. As much as I love snuggling with him, several hours with his head on my upper arm makes it go numb and uncomfortable! He has been waking several times wanting to comfort suck a night, and we have been letting him.

But last night, much to Jonathan's annoyance I think (!) since although he picks Robert up and puts him on my chest, he can then go straight back to sleep and therefore gets a good night's sleep: last night when Robert stirred and started whinging (because he'd rolled onto his front), I didn't bring him into bed, but instead gave him a dummy and got him calm with him still being in his cot. He did spit it out a few times and started screaming, but eventually he calmed down, but kept making whimpering noises, I got up, and he had put himself on his tummy, and managed to wriggle 90 degrees clockwise so his head and feet were both rammed up against the cot bars! I turned him over, and back round into a proper direction, and he fell asleep almost instantly!

He had a fairly good sleep after that and so when he next woke up I fed him again, and then after that's a blur but I do remember keeping him in bed with me at some stage again. But hopefully we can wean him onto his two long sleeps again! Watch this space! ;)

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