So we've had a couple of nice days over at the Hunt household. Jonathan's parents came over and we did a few bits with him, they're going on holiday soon for 3 weeks which means Robert might get his first trip to Tesco then! But we didn't need much shopping so we walked down with him in the carrier (which Jonathan's dad wanted to wear!) and got the bits we needed (milk, a couple of loaves of bread, and a few naughties snuck in to the basket as well! Doritos were on offer as were tubs of nice chocolate goodies.). I gave him a bath while they were here, which Betsy watched and Steve did the washing up! Gotta love helpful grandparents!
Today was baby massage, and it was really nice. Robert seemed to enjoy it, but he wasn't as vocal in his approval as some of the other babies, but he did fart once, and pee twice!! Haha. The second pee went over the baby next to him! He was one of the youngest - but not the youngest this time! There was a 5 week old boy and a 6 week old boy. The rest were all girls! (about six girls to the three boys!) I can't believe my little boy is still only 8 weeks! (Well, 9 on Sunday but still!) He looks so big compared to most babies his age. He will be 2 months old tomorrow.
He's getting very strong, when he feels like it (and he happens to be on his front, which isn't very often to be fair), he can hold his head up for a long time. But he's VERY strong in his legs, most of the time we hold him upright and rest his feet on our laps he will push up very hard! It's hardly ever now that he collapses down onto his legs. It does make burping him difficult though, especially when he's upset that he's stopped feeding and wants more (but he needs a burp to latch on again properly). He will push up so he's standing! So most of the time now I burp him on my shoulder. With a muslin around his neck of course so he doesn't puke all over me! The throwing up is subsiding gradually. Thank goodness! It's nice to know that the milk is all staying in his stomach where it belongs!
I was actually hoping to express this morning before Baby Massage, as I woke with two almost painfully engorged breasts (and had to sleep with a muslin over my boobs as they pop out of my bra when I sleep) and when he was awake and ready to feed the muslin was already damp, and then as he started feeding on one boob the other started leaking like crazy again so I held the muslin on which gradually got sopping wet! Anyway, was hoping to express one boob and leave the other for Robert then and there, but the little piggy was so hungry he emptied both boobs!
Breastfeeding is going great. I am finding now that even if he doesn't open very wide, and therefore his latch isn't perfect, it is still good enough and it's not as painful anymore. And my nipples don't come out such a lovely triangular shape! Maybe part of it is his mouth getting bigger as he grows, and maybe also him getting more expert at feeding! My milk is still going strong which is lovely, and so pleasing. :) He's getting weighed next Thursday and I'm hoping with his growth spurt he will have put on a fair amount, hopefully a lot more than 1lb - as it will have been 16 days since he was last weighed, so 1oz a day will be 1lb, but with his growth spurt you'd hope he'd put on more than that! I guess we'll wait and see!
Anyway Robert's having a nap (in his cot - yay!), so am going to finish getting lunch ready while he's still asleep. Tata for now!
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