Friday, 16 January 2009

7 weeks 5 days old - Robert's likes and dislikes among other things

I think Robert's growth spurt is wearing off now - he's still feeding quite frequently but it doesn't seem QUITE as often as before. Also, it's amazing just how much easier it is to cope with things if you know what it is, and more importantly - that it will end! Even though feeding Robert every half hour to an hour is exhausting, knowing it's just a growth spurt and it will be over within a week just makes it so much better and easier to deal with.

He's been quite fussy all week due to it, if I don't feed him when he's hungry every hour, he screams and screams. Meaning I haven't really had time to do anything around the house! When Jonathan's parents were here on Wednesday, I took the opportunity with them around to make myself some lunch and eat it, finish the washing up, and put a load of washing on. As he was being held and fast asleep so it was easier for me to do stuff.

Jonathan's mum was surprisingly tight-lipped when I told her he'd been feeding very frequently the last couple of days - I did mention I thought he was having a growth spurt so maybe that's why she said nothing. I love both Jonathan's parents to bits, but she has annoyed me on occasion with her "Oh, he shouldn't be feeding so much, he can't be hungry" comments. She fed him the bottle of expressed milk I had in the fridge, almost 5oz, and she said he guzzled it right down.

Last night we took it in turns to look after Robert, which while it doesn't give us time together, it does give us both a bit of free time to do things we'd like to do on the computer.

Talking of time together, I am beginning to feel like I might be "in the mood" for some time with Jonathan again after the birth. I'm very lucky in that my stitches never gave me any trouble at all (I barely noticed them at all after I was stitched up a few hours after he was born). And occasionally I can tell that Jonathan is in the mood as well, but he was bad enough about doing it with the baby around (in my belly!) let alone now he's born I don't know how we'd work it! Quietly I guess?!!?!

Back on topic! Robert is sooo much more smiley now. He was in such a cheerful mood after getting his nappy changed by daddy this morning, gave daddy lots and lots of smiles, and then I took him, put him on the bed and talked to him, tickled him, and got lots of coos and smiles in return :) He mainly says "ooooh" and "haaaaaaaai" so I say oooh and haaaai back, which often makes him say it back as well, as though we're having a little conversation! I turned into paparazzi woman, rushed downstairs to get the camera and snapped away. Unfortunately I can't post the photos yet as Jonathan uploads them and makes them the right size. But I will post them when they're uploaded!

I also took some photos yesterday. I propped him up in the corner of the sofa, and he found his thumb and started sucking it. You know how babies do with their fingers open and stretched over their face and sticking in their eyes and nose? :) It was so cute so I rushed to get the camera, turned it on, looked through the viewfinder, and POP out comes the hand. Doh! Then he started getting grumpy and crying, but I thought I'd take the photos anyway because it was quite cute.

It's still so hard to determine his personality. All you can tell really is things he likes and things he doesn't like. And try and guess from there! He likes falling asleep on people. He likes his playmat and staring at the toys hanging from it. He likes baths (but only if he's in a good mood when he goes in!). He also likes getting his nappy changed, and likes to pee on whoever is changing him! He likes it when people look at him, talk and smile. He likes to suck his fist and his thumb. He likes his bouncey chair and will often go to sleep in that if he won't sleep in his cot.

He gets confused when he's lifted up high with his face pointing to the ground. He gets confused when his mummy blows raspberries on those gorgeous plump cheeks of his and on his little button nose. :) He gets EXTREMELY confused when Daddy spun him around a few times and then suddenly stopped - his poor little eyes darted from side to side several times as he got used to his surroundings being still again!

He hates getting his face wiped clean from when he is sick! He usually doesn't like being burped, even if he's getting fussy on the breast and needs the wind brought up he screams for more milk! He usually doesn't like getting his clothes changed - he mostly always cries when you try and change his bodysuit.

Thats all of his likes and dislikes that I can think of off the top of my head! I'll try my hardest to get some photos of the things I mentioned on here soon! I might just edit this entry and put them in. I hope you are all well!

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