Sunday, 4 January 2009

6 weeks old - 2009 wishes

Well today is the last day of Christmas holidays, tomorrow Jonathan is going back to work so it's back to me and Robert alone together. Eeep! I did it before so I'll do it again I'm sure. It has been lovely having J here as well. But back to the normal daily grind!

What will 2009 bring? Hopefully lots of lovely memories, photos, and milestones with Robert. 2009 will bring a new family member - Jonathan's sister Naomi is getting married in August. Unfortunately she's doing it in Canada, so Jonathan, Robert and I will not be able to go :( Naomi and Ben are still settling down in their new house, with new(ish) jobs, and have themselves a new cat, so I do doubt that babies are on the horizon for them any time soon. But I'm sure they will be, as they both seemed absolutely besotted with Robert!

As I'm sitting here, Jonathan is changing Robert's nappy, and the little man is screaming his head off - well, crying, sometimes screamy, sometimes whimpery. And I have little tears in my eyes, because I love him so so much! And while sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out with his screaming (which he doesn't often do for no good reason), it is nice to hear because it means he's here, with us, doing well. I love snuggling with him up against my chest, looking down at his sweet sleeping face. Oh, he is such a beautiful angel. And I love the way when I place him upright against my chest to burp him, the way his little face peers up at me. And his little face when he's screaming is also kinda cute ;) Except when I'm stressed, hehe.

We've gradually been sorting through the huge pile of toys and clothes that Robert has been given for Christmas. One of the newest things we've been trying with him is his new platmat/"gym". He seems to really enjoy it! I'm not sure which bits he likes most, it has swinging animals, a big crinkly lion head, and crinkly feet and tail, we put him so his legs are on the feet so they make sounds when he kicks about, and the animals are in the perfect places to get hit by his arms when he starts flailing them about! He makes lots of sounds when he's on there, and looks all interested!

We also got a carrier for him so we can go out without the pram sometimes, which will be good for if we go down to my parents in Kent, as there's not a lot of room in the boot (We have a 2 door Toyota Yaris), and will need it for a travel cot, as it's a bit of a trek to go there and back in one day we'd have to stay for the weekend. Here's a photo of him in it on me (I'm not looking too happy haha one of my less photogenic poses!)

He looks so odd with a hat on!! Where's his hair!??! Hehe.

But he loves being in it, although he's complained about being put in it both times we've used it so far! But once I get going, whooosh, it's off to sleepy land for him! It's odd for me, because it's sort of like he's part of me again, but he feels so heavy when he's strapped to me like that. But I figure I must have lost more than he weighs now when he was born, with the placenta, blood, amniotic fluid etc. But I guess with the weight gradually building up over 9 months you don't notice it!

I am going to email Jenny in a while, to let her know how the birth went. Jenny was my hypnobirthing practitioner, and I think she'd like to know that it did help, even if it didn't work out quite like I'd hoped. But at the end of the day, he's here, exercising his lungs regularly, looking like an angel when he's sleeping, and being a gorgeous curious boy when he's doing neither of the former two things! I do love being a Mummy... it's taken a while to realise it, hell, to even FEEL like a Mummy, but now I do, I wouldn't change it for the world! And I'm sooo looking forward to what 2009 brings!

Happy New Year to you all!

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