Today marks 2 months since Robert has had nothing but Mummy Milk! (well, apart from a taste or two of banana!) After our hiccups a few weeks back things are going really really well regarding feeding. My milk is still going strong, which is all I ever hoped for! Apparently my mum's milk dried up with Stephen at around 6 weeks after he was born, and then she had a lot of hassle with doctors telling her not to be so stupid, it was still there, or something. But we've been going 9 weeks so far! And no signs of letting up.
I'm getting quite itchy for a couple of things now - a night out with Jonathan, and a night IN with Jonathan ;) I still haven't had a period, but that's not to say I've not become fertile again so we'll have to make sure to take precautions. However, I must say now things are easing up with Robert and I'm becoming more accustomed to this role of "Mummy", I am beginning to be quite eager at the thought of another pregnancy and baby! Something I thought wouldn't happen for ages! Although I do want to wait a good bit longer before we get pregnant again.
I think I might do a bit of online shopping later - mainly mothercare online shopping, for some breast milk storage bags. I want to start getting a freezer supply of milk so that we can start going out again every now and then - and Robert will still have breast milk that his grandparents can give him. I do like the flexibility of being able to express some and have someone else feed him sometimes. Last night he was NOT latching properly, be it tiredness or what I'm not sure, but I had expressed 3oz of milk earlier that day that Jonathan then gave him.
Something else that's happened is that I've caught an absolutely horrid cold, I think from the SureStart Centre. It started with a sore throat around Thursday/Friday, by Saturday it had extended to a bit of a blocked nose, by Sunday it was in full swing leaving me with a fuzzy head, sore throat, blocked nose, and generally feeling a bit poo. What's more, Robert's caught it off me and he's been ever so snuffly and snotty. I'm not sure if he's in any pain with it like I have been, I hope not! But he has been quite sick the last day or two, throwing up quite hefty amounts of milk after a feed - perhaps due to not feeling 100%? Not sure really, I guess it's a waiting game.
We'll be getting him weighed on Thursday - can't wait! He's now definitely over his growth spurt, can see the difference now, as he last fed around 12pm and it's now 2.40pm. It was sometimes every half hour when he was in his growth spurt!! I hope though he's put on a nice chunk of weight. :)
Someone on the baby forums I read has a 6 month old boy with cerebral palsy. It's quite sad, this poor girl has been through so much with him, and she's always fighting to get him to eat, apparently he only eats about 11-13oz a day, and it's a struggle to get that down him, and then he'll only gain half an ounce a week. I feel so lucky that despite his tough start to life outside my belly, my little boy is healthy, strong, and is gaining weight well and easily.
Anyway, he's starting to stir, so before I go I'll quickly post some photos of my little man enjoying "The Tiger Who Came To Tea" ;)