Tuesday, 27 January 2009

9 weeks 2 days old - 2 month breast feeding! Cold, and The Tiger Who Came To Tea

Today marks 2 months since Robert has had nothing but Mummy Milk! (well, apart from a taste or two of banana!) After our hiccups a few weeks back things are going really really well regarding feeding. My milk is still going strong, which is all I ever hoped for! Apparently my mum's milk dried up with Stephen at around 6 weeks after he was born, and then she had a lot of hassle with doctors telling her not to be so stupid, it was still there, or something. But we've been going 9 weeks so far! And no signs of letting up.

I'm getting quite itchy for a couple of things now - a night out with Jonathan, and a night IN with Jonathan ;) I still haven't had a period, but that's not to say I've not become fertile again so we'll have to make sure to take precautions. However, I must say now things are easing up with Robert and I'm becoming more accustomed to this role of "Mummy", I am beginning to be quite eager at the thought of another pregnancy and baby! Something I thought wouldn't happen for ages! Although I do want to wait a good bit longer before we get pregnant again.

I think I might do a bit of online shopping later - mainly mothercare online shopping, for some breast milk storage bags. I want to start getting a freezer supply of milk so that we can start going out again every now and then - and Robert will still have breast milk that his grandparents can give him. I do like the flexibility of being able to express some and have someone else feed him sometimes. Last night he was NOT latching properly, be it tiredness or what I'm not sure, but I had expressed 3oz of milk earlier that day that Jonathan then gave him.

Something else that's happened is that I've caught an absolutely horrid cold, I think from the SureStart Centre. It started with a sore throat around Thursday/Friday, by Saturday it had extended to a bit of a blocked nose, by Sunday it was in full swing leaving me with a fuzzy head, sore throat, blocked nose, and generally feeling a bit poo. What's more, Robert's caught it off me and he's been ever so snuffly and snotty. I'm not sure if he's in any pain with it like I have been, I hope not! But he has been quite sick the last day or two, throwing up quite hefty amounts of milk after a feed - perhaps due to not feeling 100%? Not sure really, I guess it's a waiting game.

We'll be getting him weighed on Thursday - can't wait! He's now definitely over his growth spurt, can see the difference now, as he last fed around 12pm and it's now 2.40pm. It was sometimes every half hour when he was in his growth spurt!! I hope though he's put on a nice chunk of weight. :)

Someone on the baby forums I read has a 6 month old boy with cerebral palsy. It's quite sad, this poor girl has been through so much with him, and she's always fighting to get him to eat, apparently he only eats about 11-13oz a day, and it's a struggle to get that down him, and then he'll only gain half an ounce a week. I feel so lucky that despite his tough start to life outside my belly, my little boy is healthy, strong, and is gaining weight well and easily.

Anyway, he's starting to stir, so before I go I'll quickly post some photos of my little man enjoying "The Tiger Who Came To Tea" ;)

Saturday, 24 January 2009

9 weeks (just about) - GRINS! :)

Ahhh what a lovely day! Quite tiring though, my nephew is a little tike! ;) But quite adorable, and seems to be a bright little button (well, maybe, not sure what the developmental stages of a 14 month old are). We were all (stephen and nicky included) impressed when Ewan managed to identify all the objects on a series of picture and word cards. Stephen would ask "Where is the ball?" out of a choice of 6 cards and Ewan would tap the right card! He did this for probably about 20 different things! He even managed to tell the difference between the "girl" card and the "doll" card.

He seemed very interested in Robert, and kept pointing to him whenever Stephen or Nicky asked him "Where's Robert?"

He also wanted to touch him (read - pat him hard - almost a whack!), and had to be told "gentle!" lots of times but I'm not sure he knew what gentle was so I did try and take his hand to stroke Robert's head gently to show him after poor Robert got a couple of whacks to the head!!

Here's Ewan waving to Robert! Well, maybe to me judging by where he's looking ;)

Uncle Stephen and Aunty Nicky finally got cuddles with their nephew!

We have lots of lovely photos of him resting on my chest taken earlier in the week.

Here is my little angel sleeping - I can't get over how peaceful and angelic he looks when he's fast asleep...

My little boy is also getting so strong! He will mostly push up with his legs when you stand him up now, and because he's still quite wobbly he'll look like he's thrusting his hips around like he's keeping a hula hoop up! But he's also doing this...

You might notice in those ones the poor little mite has lots of scratches under his eyes... that's because his nails got really sharp very suddenly, and as he sucks his thumb, his fingers go up under his eyes, then he'll draw his fingers in and scratch himself - he actually drew blood on all of them, it was quite sad he would be peacefully sucking his thumb (which he does a LOT and it comforts him quite often now!), then suddenly he'd scream a really heartbreaking scream, I'd go over and see blood dripping down his face :( Well, thats a bit of an exaggeration, it would be a drop of blood at the scratch but still, poor love :( I finally managed to cut his nails well last night, I had to get him asleep enough on my chest so I could move him onto his back on my lap so I had both hands free to use the nail clippers.

Finally, the best til last, tonight he was in his bouncer and for some reason got really really cheerful and started BEAMING around, I managed to get some lovely lovely photos of him grinning, they're so lovely!!!

And also another to embarrass him with!

*happy sigh* I really don't know how I made that gorgeous little boy! :) It must be all Jonathan ;)

Friday, 23 January 2009

2 months old!!!!

Jeannie - thank you for such a fantastic tip! I got a bottle to catch the milk in while I fed him this morning, and although it wasn't sterilised properly and therefore couldn't use it, it gave me an idea on how much milk I could get out! I got about half an ounce to an ounce just from drips while he was feeding on the other breast! There were the odd few drips before I fed him, but then as soon as I started feeding him again, the dripping sped up considerably!

Anyway, this entry will have to be short, Robert's just woken up from a long nap in his cot and will want feeding. And Hurrah! It's the weekend! We're also going to see Nicky, Stephen and Ewan tomorrow, which is great. :) Will try and update tomorrow, we do have more photos (some more incredibly cute ones again!! just when I think we've got the cutest photos ever we get more to rival them!).

Hope you're all well. *hugs*

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Almost 9 weeks old - baby massage and breast feeding

So we've had a couple of nice days over at the Hunt household. Jonathan's parents came over and we did a few bits with him, they're going on holiday soon for 3 weeks which means Robert might get his first trip to Tesco then! But we didn't need much shopping so we walked down with him in the carrier (which Jonathan's dad wanted to wear!) and got the bits we needed (milk, a couple of loaves of bread, and a few naughties snuck in to the basket as well! Doritos were on offer as were tubs of nice chocolate goodies.). I gave him a bath while they were here, which Betsy watched and Steve did the washing up! Gotta love helpful grandparents!

Today was baby massage, and it was really nice. Robert seemed to enjoy it, but he wasn't as vocal in his approval as some of the other babies, but he did fart once, and pee twice!! Haha. The second pee went over the baby next to him! He was one of the youngest - but not the youngest this time! There was a 5 week old boy and a 6 week old boy. The rest were all girls! (about six girls to the three boys!) I can't believe my little boy is still only 8 weeks! (Well, 9 on Sunday but still!) He looks so big compared to most babies his age. He will be 2 months old tomorrow.

He's getting very strong, when he feels like it (and he happens to be on his front, which isn't very often to be fair), he can hold his head up for a long time. But he's VERY strong in his legs, most of the time we hold him upright and rest his feet on our laps he will push up very hard! It's hardly ever now that he collapses down onto his legs. It does make burping him difficult though, especially when he's upset that he's stopped feeding and wants more (but he needs a burp to latch on again properly). He will push up so he's standing! So most of the time now I burp him on my shoulder. With a muslin around his neck of course so he doesn't puke all over me! The throwing up is subsiding gradually. Thank goodness! It's nice to know that the milk is all staying in his stomach where it belongs!

I was actually hoping to express this morning before Baby Massage, as I woke with two almost painfully engorged breasts (and had to sleep with a muslin over my boobs as they pop out of my bra when I sleep) and when he was awake and ready to feed the muslin was already damp, and then as he started feeding on one boob the other started leaking like crazy again so I held the muslin on which gradually got sopping wet! Anyway, was hoping to express one boob and leave the other for Robert then and there, but the little piggy was so hungry he emptied both boobs!

Breastfeeding is going great. I am finding now that even if he doesn't open very wide, and therefore his latch isn't perfect, it is still good enough and it's not as painful anymore. And my nipples don't come out such a lovely triangular shape! Maybe part of it is his mouth getting bigger as he grows, and maybe also him getting more expert at feeding! My milk is still going strong which is lovely, and so pleasing. :) He's getting weighed next Thursday and I'm hoping with his growth spurt he will have put on a fair amount, hopefully a lot more than 1lb - as it will have been 16 days since he was last weighed, so 1oz a day will be 1lb, but with his growth spurt you'd hope he'd put on more than that! I guess we'll wait and see!

Anyway Robert's having a nap (in his cot - yay!), so am going to finish getting lunch ready while he's still asleep. Tata for now!

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

8 weeks 2 days old - smiles, and sick. Lots and lots of sick

Thank you so so so so much for the lovely comments on Robert's photos!! I really do thrive on your comments and I really love seeing the email pop up "You have new comments" :)

Today has been for the most part lovely. An hour or so at the Surestart Centre, which well, it was a bit meh today - the three other mums with babies who weren't crawling yet were all friends and very buddy-buddy with each other. So I did feel a little left out. And they were a bit chavvy too.. But it did get us out of the house for a couple of hours. I stopped by tesco to get some olive oil (for baby massage on Thursday) and somehow some chocolate snuck in too! ;)

Then at home followed a really lovely few hours - til about 5.30. We sat and he fed beautifully, he took some lovely naps in my arms, and I just sat there, holding him staring down at his beautiful soft cheeks and just kissed them over and over, and whispered to him how much I love him. In between the two naps he took in the time we got back at 5.30ish he was looking at me, straight into my eyes, and giving me these absolutely beautiful smiles. He smiles more and more every day, but it's not often he does actually look us RIGHT in the eyes and smile as though right there and then he's the happiest baby in the world and there's nowhere else he'd rather be than in my arms looking at me. Mostly he smiles at toys, or smiles and looking around him. But when he looks me straight in the eye and smiles, it's like my heart melts and I can't help but cry tears of joy.

We took a nap upstairs in bed together (him on my chest) and it felt like we'd slept loads when I woke up I felt really refreshed which isn't always usual for naps. I changed him (he was still quite sleepy), and then took him down for a feed. From there on it was a tough evening - he puked up practically everything he ate. It was tough on me, it was like all the milk I was giving him was going to waste. A muslin got soaked through mopping up all the milk he threw up, plus my top now has about 5 milk stains on it (it's a white top so it's not that visible), my trousers have a big wet patch - well, had, it's dry now, and his top has probably had milk all over it in various patches over the course of the evening. Jonathan came home, cuddled him for a while, and then gave him back to me while he went and cooked dinner. In that time I fed him again - and he puked it all up. I put him in his bouncer, and sat back down on the sofa and cried - and he cried too which made me cry harder.

Then just before dinner was ready I fed him again - he puked a lot of that up, but I managed to catch it with a new clean muslin. Then I fed him again, and only a little bit of sick that time. He seemed quite happy in his bouncer while we ate, and since then I've been upstairs about an hour while Jonathan's looked after him and not heard him cry. It's now my turn to look after him. I'm wondering what we should do. I still have several sachets of that rehydrating fluid powder stuff from the doctor, maybe I should try him on that tomorrow if he's still sick lots.

Anyway, better go, he probably wants a bit of food now. Hope you're all okay.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

8 weeks old - photo entry!

Today I'm going to post all the photos I promised on Friday, including some other ones we took yesterday afternoon.

On Thursday I think it was, when I propped Robert up on the sofa to see what he did, I got quite a few come out nicely. I did want a couple of photos of him crying for prosperity because his little face is quite cute in a way, when I'm not stressed and frazzled.

He kept bursting into tears whenever he lost his hand to suck, which was kinda funny in a way. He really is sucking his hand, or thumb, or fingers a lot more, which is making me think he's becoming more aware of them. Possibly anyway, it could just be a co-incidence that his hand goes up near his mouth and he instantly starts to suck on it.

At one point he was screaming and sticking his tongue out at the same time, which made for quite a funny picture! (One that, at his 18th birthday party or stag night, he might find migrating into the hands of his girlfriend/wife-to-be/plastered all over a board somewhere!)

He also did look quite happy for a very short while in them, or at least content! Before he realised why he was screaming in the first place!

Next up came the paparazzi style photography session on the bed where he was flashing me lots of heartbreakingly beautiful grins, and talking to me.

I love the photos where Robert is just looking content and gorgeous like the last one. But the grinny ones are lovely too!

Jonathan then took some later that afternoon on the bed, same clothes, but different angle ;) His eyes look HUGE in these pictures.

Anyway, onto photos we took yesterday. We went out to Jonathan's sister, who lives about an hour and a half's drive away, we thought we'd see how he did with a longer journey, and made sure he was full before heading out and he slept the whole journey. Jonathan thought this would make an interesting photo, and I think he was right:

When we got there, we had some tea, got the grand tour of their quaint and cozy cottage, and then went out for a walk, where Jonathan carried Robert in the sling this time. We got back, and Naomi took him out of his snowsuit and had a cuddle, where he remained fast asleep for a while!

Then we got out his books for them to read him, and he seemed to really LOVE looking at the pictures! First up was The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

I love the way he's really staring at that butterfly! Then Ben read him The Tiger Who Came To Tea. It was quite funny as he kept making interjections into the story, such as "It wasn't the boy from the grocer, as he was from 1950!" and "It wasn't Daddy, because Daddy ran out on Sophie's Mummy while she was pregnant!" and stuff like that. The Tiger Who Came To Tea was more for Ben's benefit, he'd not heard the story before and he wanted to know why a tiger would come to tea ;)

After we left Naomi and Ben's, we stopped back via Jonathan's parents (who were also with us at Naomi's) for some dinner - we hadn't had any lunch and were starving by 6 oclock when we left! So we had a burger each and large chips between us from the chippie which I absolutely WOLFED down! Heh. But we took a few more photos while we were there. In fact, it was me who took all of these. I passed him over to Betsy to get a burp (and a bit of a cuddle), and got these photos. I love the shocked expressions he gets on his face, it's so cute especially with his hair!

Then, just about the most gorgeous photos ever (especially the last one!). I think he looks so grown up and absolutely breathtakingly stunningly beautiful here.

I've cropped that last photo and put it as my desktop background on my computer I think it is so so so gorgeous! That has got to be my favourite picture of Robert so far ever! And we've taken so many gorgeous ones! I could stare at it forever. :) I am soo so so lucky to have such a lovely wonderful son. :)

Friday, 16 January 2009

7 weeks 5 days old - Robert's likes and dislikes among other things

I think Robert's growth spurt is wearing off now - he's still feeding quite frequently but it doesn't seem QUITE as often as before. Also, it's amazing just how much easier it is to cope with things if you know what it is, and more importantly - that it will end! Even though feeding Robert every half hour to an hour is exhausting, knowing it's just a growth spurt and it will be over within a week just makes it so much better and easier to deal with.

He's been quite fussy all week due to it, if I don't feed him when he's hungry every hour, he screams and screams. Meaning I haven't really had time to do anything around the house! When Jonathan's parents were here on Wednesday, I took the opportunity with them around to make myself some lunch and eat it, finish the washing up, and put a load of washing on. As he was being held and fast asleep so it was easier for me to do stuff.

Jonathan's mum was surprisingly tight-lipped when I told her he'd been feeding very frequently the last couple of days - I did mention I thought he was having a growth spurt so maybe that's why she said nothing. I love both Jonathan's parents to bits, but she has annoyed me on occasion with her "Oh, he shouldn't be feeding so much, he can't be hungry" comments. She fed him the bottle of expressed milk I had in the fridge, almost 5oz, and she said he guzzled it right down.

Last night we took it in turns to look after Robert, which while it doesn't give us time together, it does give us both a bit of free time to do things we'd like to do on the computer.

Talking of time together, I am beginning to feel like I might be "in the mood" for some time with Jonathan again after the birth. I'm very lucky in that my stitches never gave me any trouble at all (I barely noticed them at all after I was stitched up a few hours after he was born). And occasionally I can tell that Jonathan is in the mood as well, but he was bad enough about doing it with the baby around (in my belly!) let alone now he's born I don't know how we'd work it! Quietly I guess?!!?!

Back on topic! Robert is sooo much more smiley now. He was in such a cheerful mood after getting his nappy changed by daddy this morning, gave daddy lots and lots of smiles, and then I took him, put him on the bed and talked to him, tickled him, and got lots of coos and smiles in return :) He mainly says "ooooh" and "haaaaaaaai" so I say oooh and haaaai back, which often makes him say it back as well, as though we're having a little conversation! I turned into paparazzi woman, rushed downstairs to get the camera and snapped away. Unfortunately I can't post the photos yet as Jonathan uploads them and makes them the right size. But I will post them when they're uploaded!

I also took some photos yesterday. I propped him up in the corner of the sofa, and he found his thumb and started sucking it. You know how babies do with their fingers open and stretched over their face and sticking in their eyes and nose? :) It was so cute so I rushed to get the camera, turned it on, looked through the viewfinder, and POP out comes the hand. Doh! Then he started getting grumpy and crying, but I thought I'd take the photos anyway because it was quite cute.

It's still so hard to determine his personality. All you can tell really is things he likes and things he doesn't like. And try and guess from there! He likes falling asleep on people. He likes his playmat and staring at the toys hanging from it. He likes baths (but only if he's in a good mood when he goes in!). He also likes getting his nappy changed, and likes to pee on whoever is changing him! He likes it when people look at him, talk and smile. He likes to suck his fist and his thumb. He likes his bouncey chair and will often go to sleep in that if he won't sleep in his cot.

He gets confused when he's lifted up high with his face pointing to the ground. He gets confused when his mummy blows raspberries on those gorgeous plump cheeks of his and on his little button nose. :) He gets EXTREMELY confused when Daddy spun him around a few times and then suddenly stopped - his poor little eyes darted from side to side several times as he got used to his surroundings being still again!

He hates getting his face wiped clean from when he is sick! He usually doesn't like being burped, even if he's getting fussy on the breast and needs the wind brought up he screams for more milk! He usually doesn't like getting his clothes changed - he mostly always cries when you try and change his bodysuit.

Thats all of his likes and dislikes that I can think of off the top of my head! I'll try my hardest to get some photos of the things I mentioned on here soon! I might just edit this entry and put them in. I hope you are all well!

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Definitely a growth spurt

We finally got Robert to sleep last night. We thought we'd try giving him a bath to see if it helped, but he SCREAMED the whole way through it. Every time I've given him a bath he's laid there looking content, but not this time! It didn't help that Jonathan had filled the bath too much, so as he was thrashing his legs about during his screaming fit he was splashing water EVERYWHERE. I got soaked! He then screamed as I got him in the towel. Finally calming down a little after I held him close and shhhhed in his ear. I decided that then would be a good time for some skin-to-skin - something we've not had as much of as I would like! I think we've now only had 2 skin-to-skin sessions in the whole 7 weeks he's been here. I got his nappy on, then took my top and bra off, and sat up on the bed against the wall and fed him some more.

My milk is definitely catching up to his increased demands. I'm now certain that Robert is entering a growth spurt. He's done nothing but feed really in the last two days. Yesterday it was down to every half hour at times. Soooo challenging :( Today as it's Wednesday, Jonathan's parents are coming over, so his dad can take me to Tesco while his mum looks after Robert, so I decided to try and express some more milk using the pump. Robert had already been feeding quite a lot, but in the end I managed to fill a small bottle with milk for her to give him - almost 5 oz.

This morning I decided to feed Robert in bed, so when I heard him stir for his morning feed, I just picked him up out of the cot, put him down in the middle of the bed and let him latch himself onto my boob - I couldn't see where my nipple and his mouth were so I just let him snuffle his way onto it! I don't know if it's just that position, or the ease of it, or the fact that I'm rested as he's latching, but when he feeds in that position, the last two morning feeds in bed, I have started leaking like CRAZY on the other boob, milk just trickling down my chest and over the boob he's feeding on.

Right now, he's snuggled up in my dressing gown, which is making quite a good make-shift sling!! I've tied one belt around behind his neck, then got another belt from a different dressing gown and tied that tightly under his bottom. And his head is held in place by one of the flaps of the dressing gown. He seems very cozy in there, and fast asleep, and it also means I get two hands! But unfortunately it'll be a bit hot for me to use if I get dressed.

He's now just let off a couple of huge burps and now is headbutting my chest, rooting away. Doh!

Anyway, thought I'd try and post a semi-happy entry after what's been a couple of tough days (and is likely to be a couple more tough days, depending on how long this growth spurt lasts for). Hope you're all well. x

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Robert weighed, better day

Today went better. It makes a lot of difference to get out of the house - a change of scenery and all that. I went to the Surestart Centre, Robert was the youngest baby there, the next youngest was 5 months, and the rest were all crawling and such.

Then I went to have him weighed, he's now a whopping 12lb 3oz!

This afternoon the longest nap he's had was 1 hour. Since then he's had hardly any, and just spent more or less the entire afternoon and evening since about 3pm or so feeding. I'm absolutely knackered. I thought he might have a nap again just now as I've fed him again and swaddled him but no. He's grumbling in his cotbed again.

Add to that the fact that I did something to my back at some point today. I am in agony whenever I bend over too much or twist my back at all. Which is not good to have when I'm looking after a 12lb eating machine!

I have to go and sort him out again. Jonathan is tired from last night having Robert sleep in bed with us so it's my job today I guess. Just thought I'd let you all know it's gone a bit better today, even though I'm exhausted at the moment and in pain with my back.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Bad day... and milk worries

After a great day yesterday, where we went to the local country park for a walk, and had lots of smiles, cuddles and games with Robert, great sleeping, great feeding, it all went totally downhill today. No napping in his cot at all today. No good feeding. Puking everywhere. Crying. More crying.

And to top it all off, it seems my milk is running out. I tried expressing some and got barely 10ml in about 15 minutes. Jonathan reckons it's because a) he's been feeding ALL day, and b) because I'm stressed and tired and upset after what has been a difficult and to be honest - HORRIBLE day..

I suppose I should try not to think the worst, that maybe if I do it might have an adverse affect on my milk, and perhaps J is right and I am just stressed, tired, and already milked dry by my little boy. Yesterday I had loads of milk - I got engorged in one boob in the middle of the day, which is unusual - usually only first thing in the morning I get engorged, but I didn't get engorged this morning even though I hadn't fed him for almost 7 hours.

I am just finding it so hard today to keep him happy. :( I feel like a terrible mum, having got angry with him earlier and perhaps been too rough with him. Urgh. I hate myself.

I've got baby clinic tomorrow, and also I had signed myself for Baby Play and Stay but seeing as clinic is in the morning I might have to not go afterall to the Surestart thing. Still I guess we'll see how it all goes tomorrow. I hope he's put on loads of weight.

Haven't really got anything positive to say today, sorry. I guess I should go and give him a boob at some point, see if he can get anything out of it.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

7 weeks old - smiles! Bethany's visit.

Ah, yesterday was lovely, seeing Bethany, swapping stories and anecdotes! I'm really looking forward to spending more time with them! I got to hold her too and oh my gosh she was so tiiiny compared to Robert! So light! Apparently she's now 8lb something (at 5 weeks old), which is lighter than Robert ever was, and Robert is now probably 12lb something at 7 weeks old. I just looked at her and thought "Jeez, wish Robert was that size at birth!"

Here's a photo of them side by side for comparison. Look at her tiny head! Maybe if he'd been her size I might not have torn! ;)

One of Paul and Jonathan's friends was invited over, but apparently the Rugby was on and he wanted to watch it. Which might have been an excuse, apparently when he saw Bethany with Paul it suddenly hit him how all his friends were growing up and he was still a kid (30, living with his parents, no girlfriend etc), so seeing BOTH of his friends with kids might have been too much for him! Plus a lot of the talk was about babies.

Robert has been smiling SO. MUCH these last couple of days. I can't believe how much he's suddenly become such a smiler! However they don't last huge amounts of time so usually by the time we get the camera, he's stopped! Or at least not smiling as widely. We got a few smiles captured, but not huuuuuuuge ones, where his entire gums are on show and his little eyes sparkle.

But here they are anyway..

On his playmat, which he loves! He spends lots of time looking at the animals and making soft sounds at them.

Robert's stopped hating nappy changes so much now, of course it helps to change him when he's just been fed so he's nicely satisfied! Otherwise I'm sure the poor neighbours would get an earful every time we change him as the nappy change station is right up against the wall of their bedroom.

But he's not a bad baby really, crying wise. He cries when he's hungry, cries when he's being burped sometimes, and when he's over-tired. Oh, and when he sticks his fingers in his eyes and hurts himself! Sometimes when he's being changed because he needs a wee and it's almost like he doesn't want to, but then when he wees all over whoever he's changing he cheers up! ;)

Feeding is going well still... it's getting more and more rewarding, especially when this happens....

Of course that's a watered down smile as it took Jonathan about 30 seconds to get the camera, but it was a really big grin I assure you!

I love my little boy so much. :)